

模块(Module) Introduction
CRC Implement two CRC modules, 1 uses Definition, another is based on LFSR
Divide_with Shift calculate divide with shift operations
Global_Counter Three Timer which use a Global Counter
LFSR Linear feedback Register
LRU Arbiter based on least-recent-used(LRU)


模块(Module) Introduction
Sequence Detector Sequence Detector based on Shift reg(extremely simple one)
SquareRoot Calculate Square Root based on Shift
Optimal_place Implement Breath First Search with Verilog


The input is an 8*8 array with (0,1,2); 0: empty, 1: reg, and 2: combination logic. This module is to find the point to place the Clock source(if possible) , which has minimum distance to all the registers.

In my implementation, The maximum time takes to calculate the distance is O(N^2): 64*64*4 + C(constant time);

The process to solve this problem is calculate all node of 0's distance. For each Node -> walk(get next node, x-1, x+1, y-1, y+1) and then check if they are reg(value =1). If they haven't checked, set vld and record distance, else ignore.

So I designed a sync_fifo, some functions like walk and judge. The hierarchy of the module is


-> optimal_place.v (read in.txt to an reg_array, return array value to BFS search, for each node of 0 perform BFS search)

-> BFS search (perform BFS search for each node and calculate the total cost)

-> sync_fifo(a queue to assist BFS search)


读入8*8的阵列,0代表空,1代表寄存器,2代表组合逻辑,只有0能摆放时钟源,要计算出时钟源摆放的最优位置(到各寄存器的距离最小) 。 使用广度优先搜索


复杂度应该按O(N^2)来算, 最多64个node需要BFS, 每个点做64*4次+64个clock算总cost.



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Cardinal Router


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