- CREATE: 2016.03.07
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thanks to Tim Carstens, who wrote http://www.tcpdump.org/pcap.html. Most of the code I wrote is based on his work.
- DISCRIPTION: Using libpcap to capture tcp and udp packages on a specific interface. We captured DomU packages in DOM0's xen-backend, specifically, vif1.0.
- LAST TEST: Ubuntu 14.04LTS SMP kernel-3.13.0-24-generic gcc 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) xen 4.4
- COMPILE: gcc pcap_zwq.c -lpcap -o pcap_zwq
- USAGE: Useage : pcap_zwq
- KNOWN PROBLEMS: 1. Though we can input filter rule, the package handler only handles tcp. (since tcp and udp shares the same field for data of ports, I used tcp struct to handle udp packages) 2. I handled the case when user sends Ctrl+C signal. But the program may be killed in other case. And the resources may not be recycled.