
A lightweight modular JavaScript framework

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

framewreck Build Status Dependency Status

When jQuery gets too bulky – wreck it up with framewreck.

A lightweight modular JavaScript framework.

Main features:

Optional features:

Install with Bower

$ bower install framewreck

Embed via CDN

You can use this generator to choose from all available modules and generate a dynamic URL.

main modules

<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/g/framewreck"></script>

all modules

<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/framewreck/latest/framewreck.all.js"></script>


module wise with minc.js

// asynchronously load other modules 
	]).done(function() {
		// ...


Core: CSS Selectors

// IDs and classes
F('#id .class').find('a');

// Index selectors
F('#id .class:0')
F('#id:1 .class:0 p')

// Pseudo classes
F('#id .class:first-child');
F('#id .class').find('a:first-of-type');
F('#id .class').find('a:last-of-type');

Selector methods

// Index selector
F('#id .class').get(1);

// Next / Previous siblings

// Parent elements

CSS module

// Set CSS
F('#id').css({ display: 'block', 'background-color': 'blue', padding: 10, width: 200 });
F('#id').css('background-color', 'blue');

// Get CSS
var cssValue = F('#id').css('padding') // outputs '10px'

DOM module

// Output HTML of a selector
var html = F('#id').find('.class').html();

// Set HTML of a selector
F('#id').find('.class').html('<a href="#">Link</a>');

// Append HTML/Text to a DOM-Element
F('#id').append('<a href="#">Link</a>');

// Move an existing DOM-Element to another

// create HTML-Elements in F() constructor
F('<a href="#">Link</a>').appendTo('body');

// Set/get value of an input/textarea
var value = F('input').val();

// Set/get Select selected value
var value = F('body').find('select').val();

// Checkbox / Radio buttons
F('input.checkboxOrRadio').checked(true); 	// checks a checkbox or radio button
F('input.checkboxOrRadio').checked(false); 	// unchecks a checkbox or radio button
F('input.checkboxOrRadio').checked(); 		// return checkbox or radio button state

// Serialize
F('form').serialize(); // output an object containg all serialized form-field values

// Add / Remove classes

// Remove elements

// Attributes
F('#id').attr('id');					// return attribute
F('#id').attr('class', 'myClass');		// set attribute
F('#id').attr('data-test', 'myData');	// set custom attribute

Event module

Add / Remove / Trigger default or custom events using the browsers native event-system.

var eventHandler = function(e) {
	console.log(e, e.detail); // output event and given parameter object

// common events
F('a.button').on('click', eventHandler);
F('a.button').on('mouseover', eventHandler);

// custom events
F('#id').on('myEvent', eventHandler);
F('#id').trigger('myEvent', { name: '@misantronic' } );
F('#id').off('myEvent', eventHandler);

AJAX module

Do asynchronously XHR-Requests via GET/POST

	function(e) { 
	function(e) { 
	{ name: '@misantronic' }

Data module

The data module enables saving all types of data to the context using the dynamic DOM attribute structure.

F('#id').data('myObject', { name: '@misantronic' });
F('#id').data('myObject') // outputs { name: '@misantronic' }


Any method returning F can be chained to the next.

	.on('event', eventHandler)
	.trigger('event', { name: '@misantronic' } )
	.off('event', eventHandler);

Animate module

The animate module makes CSS3-Transforms and Animations super-easy using a unique synatx.
The commands in the animation queue are invoked at the same time ( [ 'X:5 Y:5 W:10' ] ) or one after another ( [ 'X:5' , 'Y:5', 'W:10' ] ).

Note: This module is optional and not included in dist/framewreck.min.js
Dependencies: CSS, Events, Data

Basic examples

// animate( Array animationQueue )
// syntax: propery:value[[,duration],delay]

F('#id').animate( ['O:0'] ); 							// changes #id's opacity to 0
F('#id').animate( ['X:100'] ); 							// translates x #id 100 pixels
F('#id').animate( ['X:100 Y:100'] ); 					// translates x/y #id 100 pixels
F('#id').animate( ['X:100 Y:100', 'O:0.5', 'W:100'] ); 	// queuing: translates x/y #id 100 pixels, after that change the opacity to 0.5, after that change the width to 100px
F('#id').animate( ['S:2'] );							// scale #id to factor 2
F('#id').animate( ['R:30'] );							// rotate #id 30 deg

F('#id').animate( ['X:100,2,1'] );						// translates x #id 100 pixels with a duration of 2s and a delay of 1s


$('#id').hide();		// non-animated hiding of #id
$('#id').show(1);		// fade in #id with a duration of 1s
$('#id').hide(0.5);		// hide #id with a duration of 0.5s


F('#id').animate( [ 'O:0' ], function() {	// is invoked as soon as the animation stops
	this.css({ display: 'none' }) 


A cheatsheet with available easing functions can be found at easings.net.

F('#id').animate( ['X:100'], 'ease-out' );
F('#id').animate( ['X:100'], function() { 
}, 'ease-out' );


All translations are relative to the contexts initial position

F('#id').animate( ['X:100', 'X:100'] ); 		// #id is still at 100

Property Overview

Property CSS Example
O opacity F('#id').animate( ['O:0.5'] )
X translateX() F('#id').animate( ['X:50'] )
Y translateY() F('#id').animate( ['Y:-10'] )
R rotate() F('#id').animate( ['R:-90'] )
S scale() F('#id').animate( ['S:3'] )
W width F('#id').animate( ['W:100'] )
H height F('#id').animate( ['H:100'] )
P padding F('#id').animate( ['P:10'] )
PT padding-top F('#id').animate( ['PT:10'] )
PR padding-right F('#id').animate( ['PR:10'] )
PB padding-bottom F('#id').animate( ['PB:10'] )
PL padding-left F('#id').animate( ['PL:10'] )
M margin F('#id').animate( ['M:10'] )
MT margin-top F('#id').animate( ['MT:10'] )
MR margin-right F('#id').animate( ['MR:10'] )
MB margin-bottom F('#id').animate( ['MB:10'] )
ML margin-left F('#id').animate( ['ML:10'] )

Binding module

The binding-module makes it possible to bind values of DOM-elements in a bidirectional way.

Note: This module is optional and not included in dist/framewreck.min.js
Dependencies: Events, Dom


See the example at jsfiddle.net

Define a binding-element which is suppossed to be filled with data on your view.
You can also define a form-element, which will be connected to your binding-element.

<!-- Binding-element -->
Hi, my name is <span data-bindable="name"></span>

<!-- Form-element -->
<input type="text" id="inp_name">

Now, you bind your data to the binding-element

// register binding-element 'name', fill it with '@misantronic' and connect it to #inp_name
F('#inp_name').registerBindable( 'name', '@misantronic' );

The binding-element name will now be filled with your data.
You can now get/set data:

// update binding-element (and form-element)
F().setBindable( 'name', 'David Skx' );

// get binding-element value
F().getBindable( 'name' );

Since #inp_name is connected to the binding-element, it will automatically update its value everytime you change it.


The Template-Engine is inspired by common engines like Mustache or Handlebars
but wrecked down to ~1.5 Kb.
Templates are wrapped in <script type="x-tmpl-framewreck"></script>-tags or being loaded from external files via AJAX.
The whole syntax is an easier version of the popular handlebar-{{...}}-style.

Note: This module is optional and not included in dist/framewreck.min.js
Dependencies: AJAX (if you want to use loadTemplate)


<!-- Example for a template -->
<script id="template" type="x-tmpl-framewreck">
	{{#if description}}
		<div class="project">
			{{#if versions}}
					<p>v.{{ value}}</p>
				<p>NO Versions</p>
			{{#if tests}}
					{{#if show == 5}}
						Test ran on {{run}}.
			{{#if ! tests}}
				No Tests
			{{#if not tests}}
				Really no Tests
			<pre><code class="lang-javascript">{{{code}}}</code></pre>

Run Parser:

var context = {
	title: '512byt.es',
	description: '<a href="https://github.com/misantronic">@misantronic</a>\'s javascript <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_golf">code golf</a> projects.<br>',
	projects: [
			name: 'Invasion',
			quote: 'A Space Invader clone. Invaders from outer space are coming to kill your mom! (501 bytes)',
			code: 'p=389;$=l=m=t=0;c=" _ ";onkeydown=function(e){(k=e.which)==39?p++:k==37?p--:!l&(l=p)};setInterval(\'_="<pre>";l&(l-=20)<0&&(l=0);m=(m+=20)>p?b[+new Date%6]:m;for(i=0;i<400;i++){if(i%20==0)_+="\\n";if(~b[n="indexOf"](l))b.splice(b[n](l),1),$+=5,l=0;if(~b[n](p)||p==m)p=n,b=[],c="xxx";_+=i==p?"oIo":~b[n](i)?".#.":i==m&&m?" * ":i==l&&l?" | ":c}document.body.innerHTML=_+="\\nP "+$;t+=o;for(i in b)b[i]+=t%5e3==0?20:t%2e3==0?1:t%1e3==0&&-1\',o=50);for(b=[],j=2;j<136;j+=j==14||j==94?29:j==55?27:2)b.push(j)',
			tests: [
				{ run: "2014-11-05", show: 5 },
				{ run: "2014-11-04", show: 0 },
				{ run: "2014-11-03", show: 0 }
			versions: [
				"1.0.0", "1.1.0", "1.2.0"
			name: 'Tron',
			quote: 'Destroy your friends! Competitive 1on1 Tron-clone. (757 bytes)',
			code: 'a=A=0;with(c.getContext("2d"))onkeyup=function(e){d=(k=e.which)==39?2:k==37?4:k==38?1:k==40?3:d;D=k==87?1:k==68?2:k==83?3:k==65?4:D;k==32&&X&S()},(S=function(){X=0;w=[{x:795,y:400}];d=1;W=[{x:5,y:0}];D=3;v=setInterval(\'c.width=c.width;p1[H="innerHTML"]=A+=z(w,d,W,"blue",0);p2[H]=a+=z(W,D,w,"red",1);if(X)clearInterval(v)\',60)})(),z=function(f,g,F,B,b){h={x:f[l=f[m="length"]-1].x,y:f[l].y};beginPath();L=lineWidth=10;h.x+=g==2?L:g==4&&-L;h.y+=g==3?L:g==1&&-L;if(F[I="filter"](t=function(o){return o.x==(T=this).x&o.y==T.y},h)[m]||f[I](t,h)[m])return X=1;strokeStyle=_=createLinearGradient(0,0,800,0);for($ in _);_[$](b,"magenta");_[$](.3,"#AFD2E6");_[$](.6,"#FF1493");_[$](!b,B);for(i=f.push({x:h.x,y:h.y})-1;i--;){lineTo(f[i].x,f[i].y)};stroke();return 0}'
			name: 'Script Loader',
			quote: 'Dynamically load scripts (131 bytes)',
			code: 'function l(a,c,f){with(document)for(;(f=createElement(\'script\')).src=a.shift();head.appendChild(f))f.onload=function(){c&&c(this)}}'


In this example, accessing the {{projects}}...{{/projects}}-Tag actually invokes an each-loop which iterates through the projects-array, defined in context. It will outputs three project-blocks.

Helper functions

You can define your own helper functions which are accessible from any context in any template.

// example for a Link-Helper
	.registerHelper('link', function(href, title, target) {
		target = target || '_self';
		return '<a href="'+ href +'" title="'+ title +'" target="'+ target +'">'+ title +'</a>'
<!-- Link-Helper Template -->
<script id="template" type="x-tmpl-framewreck">
	{{link "http://512byt.es" "Visit 512byt.es" "_blank"}}

Loading external templates

// define context
var navContext = {
	menu: [
		{ name: 'Home', link: '/home' },
		{ name: 'Projects', link: '/projects' }

// load template
F().loadTemplate('templates/nav.tpl.html', function() {
	// this is an F-instance containing the template

}, navContext);

Contact and comments

If you have any questions, praise or contempt feel free to write me: misantronic@posteo.se. Of course, you can file an issue if you find evil bugs.
For the sake of keeping things simple and small, I did not take care of optimizing my scripts for crappy browsers like IE8 etc.