
Mantle: Gluing CoreOS together

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Mantle: Gluing CoreOS together

This repository is a collection of utilities for the CoreOS SDK.


CoreOS release utility

plume index

Generate and upload index.html objects to turn a Google Cloud Storage bucket into a publicly browsable file tree. Useful if you want something like Apache's directory index for your software download repository.


Kola is a framework for testing software integration in CoreOS instances across multiple platforms. It is primarily designed to operate within the CoreOS SDK for testing software that has landed in the OS image. Ideally, all software needed for a test should be included by building it into the image from the SDK.

Kola supports running tests on multiple platforms, currently QEMU and GCE. In the future systemd-nspawn and EC2 may be added. Local platforms do not rely on access to the Internet as a design principal of kola. Tests that do so will break on local platforms.

Kola is still under heavy development and it is expected that its interface will continue to change. Both the CLI and test registration interface have upcoming changes.

kola run

The run command invokes the main kola test harness. The harness will run any registered tests on all platforms unless otherwise specified. It runs any tests whose registered names matches a glob pattern.

kola run <glob pattern>

kola test registration

Registering kola tests currently requires that the tests are registered under the kola package and that the test function itself lives within the mantle codebase.

Groups of similar tests are registered in an init() function inside the kola package. Register(*Test) is called per test. A kola Test struct requires a unique name, and a single function that is the entry point into the test.

kola test writing

A kola test is a go function that is passed a platform.TestCluster to run code against. Its signature is func(platform.TestCluster) error and must be registered and built into the kola binary.

A TestCluster implements the platform.Cluster interface and will give you access to a running cluster of CoreOS machines. A test writer can interact with these machines through this interface.

To see test examples look under kola/tests in the mantle codebase.

kola native code

For some tests, the Cluster interface is limited and it is desirable to run native go code directly on one of the CoreOS machines. This is currently possible by using the NativeFuncs field of a kola Test struct. This like a limited RPC interface.

NativeFuncs is used similar to the Run field of a registered kola test. It registers and names functions in nearby packages. These functions, unlike the Run entry point, must be manually invoked inside a kola test using a TestCluster's RunNative method. The function itself is then run natively on the specified running CoreOS instances.

For more examples, look at the coretest suite of tests under kola. These tests were ported into kola and make heavy use of the native code interface.


Related commands to launch instances on Google Compute Engine(gce) within the latest SDK image. SSH keys should be added to the gce project metadata before launching a cluster. All commands have flags that can overwrite the default project, bucket, and other settings. ore help <command> can be used to discover all the switches.

ore upload

Upload latest SDK image to Google Storage and then create a gce image. Assumes an image packaged with the flag --format=gce is present. Common usage for CoreOS devs using the default bucket and project is:

ore upload

ore list-images

Print out gce images from a project. Common usage:

ore list-images

ore create-instances

Launch instances on gce. SSH keys should be added to the metadata section of the gce developers console. Common usage:

ore create-instances -n=3 -image=<gce image name> -config=<cloud config file>

ore list-instances

List running gce instances. Common usage:

ore list-instances

ore destroy-instances

Destroy instances on gce based by prefix or name. Images created with create-instances use a common basename as a prefix that can also be used to tear down the cluster. Common usage:

ore destroy-instances -prefix=$USER