
Fork of my minishell project together with @garadraw

Primary LanguageC


Fork of my minishell project at 42 Wolfsburg together with @garadraw . It is our own shell, that allows to interact with the computer using the command line. The program is written in C and uses bash as a blueprint.

How to compile it?

git clonethe repository and cd into the folder. Run fix.sh to install the readline and history libraries on your machine.

Adjust the paths in the minishell.h(lines 22 & 23) to where those libraries got saved (usually, it suffices to change the user after the second /).

Run make to compile the programm.

Run ./minishell to start the program.

How to operate the program

The minishell will display a prompt and will execute shell commands, just like bash or zshell. It can handle redirections, heredoc, pipes, double quotes, single quotes and the following builtins: cd, echo, env, exit, export, pwd, unset.

It does not handle wildcards, logical operators (|| and &&), semicolons or backslash.

The minishell will throw errors for invalid commands, inaccessible or non-existing files and much more.

How to end the program

Press CTRL+D or enter exit to terminate the program.

Learn more

You can find some of our notes and the resources we used in resources.md. In case you find a bug or a leak, let me know.

Enjoy our minishell!