How to pre-process the service worker with Parcel?
jtojnar opened this issue · 1 comments
jtojnar commented
I have some imports, as well as some other modern JavaScript features in the ServiceWorker but they are not processed by Parcel/Babel – the generated file still contains:
import {skipWaiting} from 'workbox-core';
import {precacheAndRoute} from 'workbox-routing';
How to make Parcel to process the file?
I am using the following config:
"cache": {
"strategy": "inject",
"swSrc": "./js/selfoss-sw-offline.js",
"templatedURLs": {},
"swDest": "service-worker.js"
mischnic commented
That is unfortunately not possible with this plugin (you need to do an extra buildstep beforehand)