📦👷 Parcel plugin for caching using a service worker
- 1
How to setup expiration in handlers
#23 opened by brielov - 1
- 1
Parcel 2 support
#25 opened by jtojnar - 2
Add other file types in globPatterns
#31 opened by andredarcie - 1
- 1
- 0
workbox-build needs to be upgraded
#20 opened by rivajunior - 2
Caching too many files
#1 opened by mischnic - 2
broken with parcel-bundler 1.10.1
#13 opened by jthegedus - 0
Broken w/ parcel-bundler 1.11.0
#19 opened by chimon2000 - 3
- 1
generateSW skipWaiting & clientsClaim
#14 opened by Hiswe - 17
Is workbox BroadcastCacheUpdate supported?
#4 opened by goofblob - 12
Cannot read property 'package' of null
#12 opened by jessehattabaugh - 1
Unable to resolve path for swDest.
#10 opened by dsych - 1
swDest does not respect swDest from config.
#8 opened by dsych - 0
Add support for injectionPointRegexp
#9 opened by dsych - 2
publicURL issue when using SPA in Firebase.
#6 opened by supertopoz - 1
- 2
Not caching index.html
#3 opened by goofblob - 2
Local source for workboxSW
#2 opened by goofblob