Not caching index.html
goofblob opened this issue · 2 comments
Performance scenario:
On a current project getting index.html from Github Pages takes just over 300ms. And from disk cache about 30ms.
But getting it from the service worker takes 800ms+. So I do not want to cache index.html. I have achieved this with the following:
"globDirectory": "./dist", "globPatterns": [ "**\/*.{css,js}" ], "globIgnores": [ "./index.html" ],
However, workbox-sw still creates workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute("index.html");
in sw.js. And because index.html is not cache, it is not served and the website simply does not work.
I have hacked my way around this by removing that line from sw.js manually -- by adding a sed -i /registerNavigationRoute/d dist/sw.js
at the end of my build script. But this seems inelegant.
Is there a way to tell the plug-in to not do the registerNavigationRoute?
The default configuration tries to stay (somewhat) compatible with the environment of the parcel dev server. It, as is common for a PWA app, serves index.html
instead of a 404 error to enable client side routing (I guess). So to override the default
navigateFallback: publicURL+"/index.html",
"templatedUrls": {
"/": ["index.html"]
you need to set the configuration to :
"cache": {
"globIgnores": [
"navigateFallback": "undefined",
"templatedUrls": "undefined"
Be sure to use the most recent version from the repository and not npm (the translation from json's "undefined"
to javascript's undefined
had to be added in febbdab):
"parcel-plugin-sw-cache": "mischnic/parcel-plugin-sw-cache"
EDIT: Apart from that "workaround", the real problem is that the file isn't getting cached properly.
"ignoreUrlParametersMatching": [["#\/(?:video.*)?$"]]
This will rewrite the url, so that every subpage will also be served with the index.
Outstanding work!
Thank you. I hope you keep maintaining this. Parcel definitely needs it.