Go implementation of Miscreant: misuse-resistant encryption library with AES-SIV (RFC 5297) and AES-PMAC-SIV support
- azell
- beevikSeattle, USA
- bonedaddy@sol-farm
- brunohenriqueOnefootball
- codeharmonist
- diagprovLausanne, Switzerland
- Equim-chanGF(2)
- erwanorpenumbra labs
- frebAeris Secure
- ibmendoza
- IceCodeNewPKU
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- mattanimationthe interwebs
- nexus166Earth
- ninefiveBeijing
- numbleroot
- os
- paralin@aperturerobotics
- pedroalbaneseALBANESE Research Lab 研究实验室
- qubits4allW. Spann Systems Consulting
- schultz-is@funcountry
- somethingnew2-0Washington, DC
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- TheBitsMoscow, Russia
- trhuraYangon, Myanmar
- tsoporan@goodwatercap
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