
sem4pi-22-23-19 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJava

Project eCourse CI Deployment

Open in Visual Studio Code

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1. Description of the Project

In the 4th semester of the Informatics Engineering Degree at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP), a teaching process was adopted based on the development of a single project (Integrative Project) that enhances the integration and application of knowledge and skills from all the courses taught in this semester: Engineering of Applications (EAPLI), Languages and Programming (LPROG), Computer Networks (RCOMP), Computer Systems (SCOMP) & Laboratory and Project IV (LAPR4).

The project consists on the design and development of a platform for remote learning, called eCourse. This platform supports the activities of the major actors of a course, mainly teachers, students and managers.

Main Functionalities

The main functionalities of the platform are:

  • Users: The platform allows the creation of users with different roles (student, teacher & manager).
  • Course Management: The platform allows, among several functionalities, the creation of courses, enrolments of students in courses, course teachers, bulk enrolment of students, respond to enlistments, schedule of classes, etc.
  • Exams: Among several other functionalities, the platform allows the creation of exams, listing of grades, etc.
  • Shared Boards: The platform has the possibility to create boards, share them, create post-its, view history, etc.
  • Meetings: The platform allows the creation of meetings, the scheduling of meetings, invitations, etc.

The system is developed in Java and it's based on the EAPLI Framework provided by the course's teachers. GitHub is used to manage the source code and for CI (continuous integration). Exams use a custom language made with the ANTLR tool. The solution can be deployed using several network nodes (database & the shared board server). The system was developed in a distributed way, using the Scrum methodology.

2. Planning and Technical Documentation

Planning and Technical Documentation

3. How to Build

Before building, make sure of the following:

  • Ensure that Maven is installed and defined in the PATH environment variable.

  • Check if you have a JDK installed. If not, you can download it from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-downloads.html. The Java version used in the project is Java 1.8+, meaning that you can use any JDK version 1.8 or later. However, in order to generate the Javadoc and UML diagrams, the JDK version must be strictly 1.8. Confirm that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the JDK installation directory.

  • If you are using an Oracle database, you will need to change your Maven settings for downloading the Oracle drivers. Please see https://blogs.oracle.com/dev2dev/entry/how_to_get_oracle_jdbc#settings for more information.

To build the project, you first need to set all six properties files, located under all app's src/main/resources folders. Copy the application.example.properties file and rename it to application.properties. You can change the default values if you want, but it's not necessary.

💡 You can simply run ./properties.sh (Linux/MacOS) or properties.bat (Windows) to automatically create the properties files.


Default: ./properties.sh: Creates the properties files with the default values (if the file exists it will not be overwritten) -c or --clean: Overrides the existing properties files with the default values -h or --help: Shows the help message

Then, execute the following script:

  • On Linux/MacOS: ./rebuild-all.sh
  • On Windows: rebuild-all.bat

4. How to Execute Tests

To execute the tests, just execute the following command:

mvn test

5. How to Run

️️️️⚠️ Before running the project, you need to build the project. Follow the instructions described in section 3 - How to Build.

Database Setup

The most straightforward way to run a local database is to use the provided script h2.sh (Linux/MacOS) or h2.bat (Windows). This script starts an H2 database instance with a configuration that connects with the app out-of-the-box.

Although, you may want to connect to a different database or to an existing one. We provided different persistence unit configurations in the persistence.xml file. You can use them by changing the persistence.persistenceUnit property in the application.properties file of the app.

⚠️ Do not forget to use the correct url/credentials for the database you want to connect to, as well as the driver. The app comes with the H2, MariaDB & PostgreSQL drivers; if you want to use a different database, you will need to add the correct driver dependency to the pom.xml file, add a persistence unit configuration and build the app again.

If you have Docker installed, you can run the following commands to start a PostgreSQL or a MariaDB database locally with the pre-configured persistence units:

# persistence unit: eapli.eCoursePU_mariadb
docker run --name mariadb-ecourse -p 3306:3306 -e MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD=docker -d -t mariadb

# persistence unit: eapli.eCoursePU_postgresql
docker run --name postgres-ecourse -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=docker -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -d postgres

Running the App

In order to have the needed data for executing the app, you need to run the bootstrap script. For that, execute the following script:

  • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-bootstrap.sh
  • On Windows: run-bootstrap.bat

⚠️ Only run the bootstrap if you are connecting to a newly created database!

For the board app a server is needed. For that, open a new terminal and execute the following script:

  • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-board-server.sh
  • On Windows: run-board-server.bat

Leave this terminal open and running. Go back to the terminal where you executed the build script and continue with the next steps.

You are now ready to run the app. Simply execute the script of the app you want to run:

  • For the Student app, execute the following script:
    • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-student.sh
    • On Windows: run-student.bat
  • For the Teacher app, execute the following script:
    • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-teacher.sh
    • On Windows: run-teacher.bat
  • For the Backoffice app, execute the following script:
    • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-backoffice.sh
    • On Windows: run-backoffice.bat
  • For the Board app, execute the following script:
    • On Linux/MacOS: ./run-board-app.sh
    • On Windows: run-board-app.bat

6. Deploy to a Remote Machine

This repository has a pipeline in GitHub Actions that automatically deploys the app to a remote machine. The pipeline is triggered when a commit is pushed to the master branch.

To configure it, you need to add the following secrets to the repository:

  • SSH_HOST: The host of the remote machine
  • SSH_USER: The user to connect to the remote machine via SSH
  • SSH_PASSWORD: The user's password
  • SSH_PORT: The port to connect to the remote machine

Staging instance:

  • DB URL: jdbc:mariadb://vsgate-s1.dei.isep.ipp.pt:11058/ecourse
  • DB User: user
  • Board Server: vsgate-s3.dei.isep.ipp.pt:11058

7. How to Generate PlantUML Diagrams

To generate PlantUML diagrams for documentation execute the script (for the moment, available only for Linux/Unix/MacOS):


8. For Developers

8.1. How to Generate Tailwind Styles

First of all, make sure you have the dependencies installed. For that, go to the www directory and execute the following script:

yarn install or npm install

Once you are done, go back to the root of the project.

In order to make the life of the developers easier a script was created to generate the Tailwind styles. To generate the styles (in watch mode) execute the following script (in a different terminal):

  • On Linux/MacOS: ./watch-tailwind.sh
  • On Windows: ./watch-tailwind.bat