
Reusable configuration template for nginx-proxy and Let's Encrypt

Primary LanguageShell


This project combines nginx-proxy with docker-letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion to manage hosting one or more sites from a single server. This configuration handles all public-facing HTTP/HTTPS traffic as well as HTTPS certificate management via Let's Encrypt.

Setting everything up

  • Clone this repository into a new directory on your server, e.g., /var/www/nginx-proxy/.
  • Copy .env.example to .env and update its settings.
  • (Optional) Copy the *.conf.example files in /data/conf.d/ or add your own config files as necessary. Any files in this directory that don't end in *.conf will be ignored.


This configuration will automatically retrieve and update certificates for sites defined with a LETSENCRYPT_HOST environment variable as shown below.

You can also manually manage third-party certificates by adding them to /data/certs/. Create certificate and private key files for each domain in this directory with names like example.com.crt and example.com.key.

See the nginx-proxy documentation for additional details.

Adding virtual hosts

The nginx-proxy container in this project is the only container that should have ports 80 and 443 exposed to the public. There's no need to expose these ports on application-specific containers since nginx-proxy will automatically forward requests to the appropriate application container via the internal Docker network.

Ultimately you might end up with multiple layers of nginx (from nginx-proxy to an app-specific instance of nginx), but this is the preferred configuration because it makes it easier to contain configuration settings for each project.

Here's an example of what an app's Docker compose file might look like. This would be located at /var/www/your-app/docker-compose.yml.

version: '3.7'


    image: nginx

      VIRTUAL_HOST: example.com,www.example.com
      LETSENCRYPT_HOST: example.com,www.example.com

    # Connect this container to the shared nginx-proxy network as well as the default network.
      - default
      - nginx-proxy

  # Add your app's other services (e.g., PHP, MySQL, etc.) here.

      name: nginx-proxy