
BTCPrediction contains scripts and data for BTC price prediction. Currently, we are experimenting with FFX and MOSES.


The FFX director contains a python script called and FFX style formatted training and test data. The script runs FFX and saves best models in a csv file called ffx_results.csv and the plots for each predictions vs actual in png format.


The MOSES directory contains MOSES style training data generation script and analysis script which runs MOSES with a certain parameter setup and evaluation and scoring script for evaluating the MOSES generated Model. The MOSES data generator script is called which requires a certain arguments including a config file. The default one is called experiment-config.json. It is not adviced to run this script multiple times with the configuration depicted in experiment-config.json as it may require lots of CPU time to generate all sorts of combination of bins. Instead you may run it only once and manually invoke

After manually tuning important parameter, I fixated on using the following settings for the entire experiment.

moses -H pre -q 0.3 -w 0.8  -u $OUT -W1  -i $train_file 
				-m 30000 \
				--fs-score pre \
				--enable-fs=1 --fs-target-size=12 --fs-algo simple \
				--complexity-ratio=50 \
  • For the binarization I used the following configuration to generate 243 different binarizations.
		{"name": "MarketCap", "bins":[2,3,5],"binarizer":"QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "BlockSize", "bins":[10],"binarizer":"QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "GoldPrice", "bins":[2,5,7],"binarizer":"QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "GTrends", "bins":[2,5,7],"binarizer":"QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "HashRate", "bins":[10],"binarizer":"QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "MempoolCount", "bins":[10],"binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "MempoolSize", "bins":[10],"binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "MinningDifficulty", "bins":[10],"binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "TransactionPerDay", "bins":[10],"binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "TransactionFee", "bins":[2,5,7],"binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"},
		{"name": "TransactionVolume_USD", "bins":[2,5,7], "binarizer": "QuantileBinarizer"}
	"targetFeature": "Price",
	"LA_days": [2]

the bins key refer to the list of bins experimented with.

  • Using the MOSES data and parameter settings from the above two steps, I used to run moses. The training and test size is fixed to 839,91 respectively. This data corresponds to 2016-2018 inclusively. The remaining data which accounts for 2019-2020 is kept as a virgin data for evaluating performance of the best models later.

  • Following the above MOSES runs, the top N MOSES models based on training precision and accuracy are picked and stored in files which are found directly under LargeExperiment/LA_*/ directories (LA referes to the number of look ahead days). does exactly this job; taking root directory of the experiment and N value as arguments and saves top_N_prec_metrics.csv and top_N_acc_metrics.csv files under each LargeExperiment/LA_*/ directories.

  • does simple voting by ensembling the top N models. It takes the root directory where top_N_acc_metrics.csv and top_N_prec_metrics.csv are found, N, and the thhreshold value for voting ((0,1]) as arguments to perform voting. It also valuates performance and accuracy on training and test inputs with the ensemble model and saves the result in voting_results.csv file.