Password Generator

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Project Link

See my password generator here

About my Project

The task at hand was to create a random password generator. The conditions included:

  • a length between 8 and 128 characters
  • one or more of four types of characters:
    • lowercase
    • uppercase
    • numeric
    • special

Starter code was provided, with the HTML and CSS pages completed. My responsibility was to write the JavaScript and provide functionality to the page.

About the Process

A list of what I did to build the password generator:

  • Declare the global variables, which contained the character options arrays.
  • Create a variable to store the password, once generated.
  • Add a prompt for the password length, which was then stored in a variable.
  • Convert said password length into an Integer and check whether if fits the min/max length requirements.
  • Collect character type preferences and ensure at least one was selected.
  • Using the previously selected characters, generate a password - using the arrays and a math function, it randomly generates a sequence of characters with the length that the user has chosen.


Landing Page


Generated Password example


Error Message - Invalid Length


Error Message - No Type Selected

