
translatex is a simple tool for automatic translation of your LaTeX document. It is based on TexSoup for parsing LaTeX and googletrans for translation.


  • Handles whole LaTeX documents as well as correct LaTeX texts.
  • All LaTeX formatting including math formulas are be preserved as is.
  • Handles titles, captions, footnotes.

Getting started

Just clone a git repository:

$ git clone
$ cd translatex


  • python >= 3.5
  • googletrans == 3.1.0a0 (don't use 3.0.0 or 4.0.0rc1)
  • TexSoup (works for 0.3.1)


From src folder run

$ python -i '../data/conference_101719.tex' -o '../data/final.tex'

This translates IEEE conference template and saves the result to data/final.tex.


The main idea is to stash LaTeX commands such that to translate the rest of the document as plain text.

The final document needs manual revision since there could be many flaws in translation:

  • TexSoup still has parsing issues;
  • googletranslate is not ideal, especially in terminology;
  • correct parsing and/or translation sometimes strongly depend on text semantics which is out of scope of translatex.