
CRUD operation with - Node, Express, EJS, Sequelize using MVC pattern

Primary LanguageEJS


Installation guide

  • Clone the repository
  • Run from both directories npm install or yarn to install both app dependencies
  • Run from both directories npm start or yarn start to start both apps

Database setup

  • Create a database and change the database name in config/config.json file.
  • Change the database credentials in config/config.json and also in models files from models/* file with your own credentials.
  • Run npx sequelize-cli db:migrate to run the migrations.
  • Now you are ready to go.
Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to see the backend app running.

Packages used

  • express (Express used as a web framework)
  • mysql2 (MySQL used as a database)
  • sequelize (Sequelize used as an ORM)
  • sequelize-cli (Sequelize-cli used to run migrations)
  • cors (CORS used to enable cross-origin resource sharing)
  • connect-flash (Connect-flash used to flash messages)
  • express-session (Express-session used to manage sessions)
  • express-validator (Express-validator used to validate form data)
  • method-override (Method-override used to override HTTP methods)
  • EJS (EJS used as a templating engine)
  • nodemon (Nodemon used to restart the server on file changes)


  • MVC architecture
  • ORM by using Sequelize
  • MySQL database
  • Models
  • Views
  • Controllers
  • Request validation / Requests
  • Routes
  • Session Flash Messages
  • Method Override
  • Migrations
  • View Engine / Templating Engine
  • Error Handling
  • 404 Error Handling
  • 500 Error Handling
  • etc & more

Backend API endpoints

  • GET /tasks - Get all tasks
  • POST /tasks - Create a new task
  • GET /tasks/:id - Get a task by id
  • GET /tasks/:id/edit - Get a task by id to edit
  • PUT /tasks/:id - Update a task by id
  • DELETE /tasks/:id - Delete a task by id

Note: The backend app is configured to use PORT 5000. Make sure that this port is not used by any other apps on your machine.

Note: The backend app is configured to use the MySQL database on port 3306. Make sure that this port is not used by any other apps on your machine.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!