
Laravel + Vue docker boilerplate

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Technologies Used

  • Docker: DevOPS Technology used for setting up virtual environments for running containerized applications
  • MySQL: Database technology
  • Apache: Web-server application
  • Nginx: Web-server application
  • PHP Laravel: Server-side Web Framework
  • Vue: Front-end framework for building progressive web applications
  • Bootstrap: Front-end CSS styling framework

Docker for developer environment

Install Docker

Visit https://docs.docker.com/get-docker for instructions.

Install Docker Compose (linux only)

Visit https://docs.docker.com/compose/install for instructions.

Switch to Linux containers (windows only)

Right-click on the Docker icon in Taskbar and choose "Switch to Linux containers..."

Prepare repositories

Clone backend, frontend and docker repositories into one folder. For example:


You can choose any folder names while cloning repositories, for example:


Prepare backend folder

Backend requires permissions to write into storage and bootstrap/cache folders.


sudo chmod -R ag+w <path-to-backend-folder>/bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ag+w <path-to-backend-folder>/storage

Use File Explorer to change permissions for these folders.

Configure docker-compose

In Docker repo folder, copy .env.example to .env and edit it accordingly:

    Uncomment this line on Windows OS. That will tell Docker to interconvert unix/win paths.
    Absolute or relative path to the folder with cloned backend repo.
    Absolute or relative path to the folder with cloned frontend repo.
    IP address to listen incoming HTTP connections. If you already have apache/nginx listening on port then you can bind docker containers to listen on another IP (default
    Warning: If already have apache/nginx working on your host, make sure they are not bound to, that will prevent nginx container from starting. Rebind your host apache/nginx to instead.
    macOS users: By default macOS doesn't bind other 127.0.0.* to loopback adapter, so you have to do that yourself:
    sudo ifconfig lo0 alias up

macOS / Windows only: You have to allow docker engine to bind mount your frontend/backend folders into containers:

  1. Open Docker Agent preferences
  2. Select ResourcesFile Sharing in the left menu.
  3. Add the folder you cloned repos into (/mishajib from previous examples).

Configure hosts

Docker containers configured to work on mishajib.local (frontend) and api.mishajib.local (backend).
You have to add these records to your /etc/hosts (linux/macos) or %WIN_DIR%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (win). mishajib.local api.mishajib.local

You'll need root/administrator privileges to edit this file.

Build and run containers

Open terminal/console in the folder with cloned Docker repo and run:

docker-compose build

Building could take some time, because Docker will pull all needed images from Docker Hub.

When it's done you're ready to run containers:

docker-compose up -d

First run could take some time, because frontend/backend will install needed dependencies. WAIT 10 MINUTES after executing docker-compose up -d for the first time.

To start/stop containers you can use docker-compose stop and docker-compose start.
To remove containers you can use docker-compose down.
To show containers status you can use docker-compose ps, it should show something like that:

   Name                  Command               State                  Ports               
mi-backend    /entrypoint.sh php-fpm           Up      9000/tcp                           
mi-frontend   /entrypoint.sh yarn serve  ...   Up      8080/tcp                           
mi-mysql      docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp
mi-nginx      /docker-entrypoint.sh ngin ...   Up>80/tcp            


1. Pecl Installation Problem

If this error showed when you tried to build the backend's docker image:

# pecl install imagick-3.4.3
No releases available for package "pecl.php.net/imagick"


Based on this docker-library issue, It happened because there's a connection problem with image php:7.4-fpm-alpine that backend's docker uses.

The easiest solution that you can do is change the image that backend's docker use in the file backend/Dockerfile line 3

FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine


FROM php:7.4-fpm-alpine3.12

PS: Trial and Error that has been tried

I has tried to remove the pecl installation for imagick first in the file backend/Dockerfile line 35-36

  && pecl install imagick-3.4.3 \
  && docker-php-ext-enable imagick \

and thinking about doing the installation after the docker's image and container created. But the error still persists and a new problem occurs.

It's turn out that the connection problem that occurs also happened in the composer install process. This is an example of one of the error messages that appear:

- Installing psr/simple-cache (1.0.1): Downloading

    Failed to download psr/simple-cache from dist: The "https://codeload.github.com/php-fig/simple-cache/legacy.zip/408d5eafb83c57f6365a3ca330ff23aa4a5fa39b" file could not be downloaded: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Try again

failed to open stream: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Try again
Now trying to download from source

  - Installing psr/simple-cache (1.0.1): Cloning 408d5eafb8 from cache

It takes quite a while for one dependency installation and unfortunately it happens in the all dependency installations--around 30 second. So you can imagine how long it take if there > 100 dependencies.

2. mi-backend and mi-frontend status is always Restart

If your mi-backend and mi-frontend status is always Restart and when you open the docker containers' Logs you get this error message:

docker | /entrypoint.sh: set: line 2: illegal option -

This problem occurs because of the these files:

  1. backend/entrypoint.sh
  2. frontend/entrypoint.sh

is using Dos-type EOL (end-of-line): \r\n. While the image we use for backend and frontend images is Unix-based, so it required Unix-type of EOL: \n.


Open these files in Notepad++ (our old pal), then go to menu Edit -> EOL Conversion -> Unix (LF). Don't forget to save the files!

Anyway, You can tried to find another solution in google with keyword: "Convert Dos-type EOL to Unix-type EOL"

Containers description

There are 4 containers:

  • mi-nginx
    Listens incoming web requests (HTTP) and dispatches them to frontend or backend.

  • mi-mysql
    MySQL database for backend. On first run it will be seeded with admin user account and dev hotel id/context.
    Login/password: admin@mishajib.local/123123123.
    You can access this DB from your host using
    Database content preserved between container restarts, but cleaned up upon down command.

  • mi-frontend
    Frontend. Served using yarn serve command, with Hot Code Reload enabled. Exposes port 8080.

  • mi-backend
    Backend. Server using php-fpm (7.2). Exposes port 9000.

You can restart container using docker-compose restart <container-name>, for example: docker-compose restart mi-backend.
If you'll omit container name, then all containers will be restarted.

Happy coding, do something wonderful ;)