
Node & MongoDB CRUD by expressjs, mongoose

Primary LanguageEJS


Installation guide

  • Clone the repository
  • Run from both directories npm install or yarn to install both app dependencies
  • Run from both directories npm start or yarn start to start both apps

Database setup

  • Make .env file from .env.example file.
  • Change the database URL from .env file.
  • Now you are ready to go.
Open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to see the backend app running.

Packages used

  • express (Express used as a web framework)
  • mongodb (MongoDB used as a nosql database)
  • Mongoose (Mongoose used as an ODM)
  • connect-flash (Connect-flash used to flash messages)
  • express-session (Express-session used to manage sessions)
  • express-validator (Express-validator used to validate form data)
  • method-override (Method-override used to override HTTP methods)
  • EJS (EJS used as a templating engine)
  • nodemon (Nodemon used to restart the server on file changes)


  • MVC architecture
  • ODM by using Mongoose
  • MongoDB NoSQL database
  • Models
  • Views
  • Controllers
  • Request validation / Requests
  • Routes
  • Session Flash Messages
  • Method Override
  • View Engine / Templating Engine
  • Error Handling
  • 404 Error Handling
  • 500 Error Handling
  • etc & more

Backend endpoints

  • GET /tasks - Get all tasks
  • POST /tasks - Create a new task
  • GET /tasks/:id - Get a task by id
  • GET /tasks/:id/edit - Get a task by id to edit
  • PUT /tasks/:id - Update a task by id
  • DELETE /tasks/:id - Delete a task by id

Note: The backend app is configured to use PORT 5000. Make sure that this port is not used by any other apps on your machine.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!