#100DaysOfBlockchainWeb3 Challenge Outline

Day 1-10: Introduction to Blockchain and Solana
Day 1: Understanding the basics of blockchain technology
Day 2-3: Overview of the Solana blockchain protocol
Day 4-5: Setting up a local Solana development environment
Day 6-7: Introduction to Rust programming language
Day 8-10: Exploring Solana's architecture and consensus mechanism
Day 11-30: Building Solana Smart Contracts with Rust
Day 11-15: Deep dive into Rust programming language fundamentals
Day 16-20: Understanding Solana's smart contract development ecosystem
Day 21-25: Building and deploying your first Solana smart contract using Rust
Day 26-30: Testing and debugging Solana smart contracts
Day 31-50: Advanced Solana Development
Day 31-35: Exploring advanced Solana smart contract patterns and best practices
Day 36-40: Interacting with Solana blockchain using RPC and CLI tools
Day 41-45: Integrating Solana smart contracts with front-end applications
Day 46-50: Optimizing Solana smart contracts for performance and cost-efficiency
Day 51-70: Web3 Development with Solana and Rust
Day 51-55: Introduction to Web3 and decentralized application (dApp) development
Day 56-60: Building a basic decentralized application (dApp) on Solana using Rust
Day 61-65: Integrating Solana dApp with wallet providers and blockchain explorers
Day 66-70: Implementing decentralized finance (DeFi) concepts on Solana with Rust
Day 71-90: Security and Best Practices
Day 71-75: Understanding security vulnerabilities in blockchain and smart contracts
Day 76-80: Implementing security best practices in Solana smart contract development
Day 81-85: Auditing and testing Solana smart contracts for security
Day 86-90: Exploring decentralized identity (DID) and privacy-preserving technologies on Solana
Day 91-100: Community Projects and Contributions
Day 91-95: Contributing to open-source Solana projects in Rust
Day 96-100: Collaborating with the Solana developer community on innovative projects