
My collection of fish scripts

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


My collection of fish scripts


  • Clone this repository
  • run source install.fish to install the scripts (will be copied to $__fish_config_dir/functions/)
  • reload shell, or run source fish/reload-functions.fish to reload the scripts


  • py_create_package.fish - use py_create_package path/to/package to create a python package folder with an empty __init__.py file in it. Will not create parent folders if they don't exist.
  • create_venv.fish - use create_venv to create or re-create a python virtual environment in .venv folder and create a .envrc file to use direnv to activate it.
  • count_lines_by_file.fish - count code lines by file in the current directory. Uses tokei, so it must be installed (e.g. with brew)
  • count_lines.fish - count code lines in the current directory. Uses tokei, so it must be installed (e.g. with brew)


  • docker_mounts.fish - use docker_mounts to list all docker mounts in a convenient table.


  • load_dotenv.fish - load environment variables from a .env file. Use load_dotenv to load the .env file in the current directory, or load_dotenv path/to/dotenv_file to load a specific file.
  • bup.fish - brew update && brew upgrade


  • reload-functions.fish - reload all user defined fish functions in the current shell. Useful when you're developing a function and want to test it without restarting the shell.