
Pega 7 requestors amount monitoring

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Pega 7 Requestors Monitoring


Simple Pega 7 requestors amount monitoring tool


This tool has two ways to be used


Import requestors_monitoring function to your module

from requestors_monitoring import requestors_monitoring

Firs argument of function is a list of your nodes URLs in format like http://pega:1111

Second argument is time between monitoring requests in secconds

Command line

Fill NODES list variable with a list of your nodes URLs in format like http://pega:1111

Change PERIOD variable to change time between monitoring requests in secconds

Then just run from command line

python requestors_monitoring.py

Pega Infinity

In Pega infinity service /monitor/pingService/ping have changed its contract. This tool is only usable for Pega 7.*

You can also try to test it with earlier versions