
⛵ Awesome simple HTTP client for Nim

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

⛵ yahttp - Awesome simple HTTP client for Nim

GitHub Release CI

  • Based on Nim std/httpclient
  • No additional dependencies
  • API focused on DX


nimble install yahttp


more examples here

Get HTTP status code

import yahttp

echo get("https://www.google.com/").status

Send query params and parse response to JSON

import json
import yahttp

let laptopsJson = get("https://dummyjson.com/products/search", query = {"q": "Laptop"}).json()
echo laptopsJson["products"][0]["title"].getStr()


Method procedures



  • url - request URL. The only required argument
  • headers - request HTTP headers. Example: {"header1": "val", "header2": "val2"}
  • query - request query params. Example: {"param1": "val", "param2": "val2"}
  • encodeQueryParams - parameters for encodeQuery function that encodes query params. More
  • body - request body as a string. Example: "{\"key\": \"value\"}". Is not available for get, head and options procedures
  • auth - login and password for basic authorization. Example: ("login", "password")
  • timeout - stop waiting for a response after a given number of milliseconds. -1 for no timeout, which is default value
  • ignoreSsl - no certificate verification if true

General procedure


Has the same arguments as method procedures and one additional:

  • httpMethod - HTTP method. Method.GET by default. Example: Method.POST

Response object

All procedures above return Response object with fields:

  • status - HTTP status code
  • body - response body as a string
  • headers - table, where keys are header keys and values are sequences of header values for a key
  • request - object with request data processed by yahttp
    • url - stores full url with query params
    • headers - stores HTTP headers with Authorization for basic authorization
    • httpMethod - HTTP method
    • body - request body as a string

Response object has some helper procedures:

  • Response.json() - returns response body as JSON
  • Response.html() - returns response body as HTML
  • Response.to(t) - converts response body to JSON and unmarshals it to type t
  • Response.ok() - returns true if status is greater than 0 and less than 400
  • Response.raiseForStatus() - throws HttpError exceptions if status is 400 or above

Other helper functions

object.toJsonString() - converts object of any type to json string. Helpful to use for body argument