
Particle in cell MIPT course

Primary LanguageFortran

Particle in cell MIPT course.

Programs in chronological order:

  1. nonrel-pusher.f95 – non-relativistic Boris particle pusher for given fields that is great at saving circles in constant magnetic fields while maybe not representing the phase correctly
  2. pmove.py – program for drawing trajectory of single particle in 3d
  3. rel-boris-pusher.f95 – relativistic Boris pusher
  4. rel-vay-pusher.f95 – Vay pusher which is great at relativistic drift while being more expensive than Boris
  5. NS-simulation.f95 – Vay pusher with some model neutron star fields
  6. NS-sim.py – almost the same as pmove.py, but reading from other file
  7. field-evol-2d.f95 – vacuum (no field and currents) field evolution program for 2d using Yee mesh, tested only with waves
  8. field-evol-simple.f95 – program that draws profile of fields along x axis
  9. pic-2d.f95 – full PIC program in 2d