Test Service Two

Template Installation

Pre Initialization

You'll need to make a personal token that has workflow permissions.

Add this token to the actions, environments secrets

REPO_SETUP_TOKEN=<your token>

Additionally, edit the cookiecutter.json file to specify your repository name.

Pushing up this cookiecutter.json file change will kickoff the workflow that starts cookiecutter.

Repository Setup

Create a container registry at canister.io. Make sure that the registry name matches the service_slug name.

make sure to add the actions/repository secrets CANISTER_USERNAME=<canister username> CANISTER_PASSWORD=<canister password>

Chart Setup

Add the token which allows you to write to your helm chart museum CHART_TOKEN=<your chart token>

Kubernetes Setup

Add the kubeconfig which you'll use to write to okteto KUBECONFIG=<your okteto kube config>

GH Token Setup

Add the token which you'll use to access the repo to determine semantic versioning. I usually use the same token for the chart token. GH_TOKEN=<token with access to the repo>

Setup secrets for okteto to access canister.io

kubectl create secret --namespace bullyrooks docker-registry regcred --docker-server=https://cloud.canister.io:5000 --docker-username= --docker-password=

Setup cloud logging

kubectl create secret --namespace bullyrooks generic logzio-secrets --from-literal=LOGZIO_LOGGER_TOKEN=UaRKfHWNbOJuAIuvKjuKXWbMNuaGzNUP --from-literal=LOGZIO_METRICS_TOKEN=hiAjYwehsyFYpXRJobnhKmnUsSoxvPMz