
Conference content and other resources for IPFS Camp 2022 in Lisbon, Portugal


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Welcome to IPFS Camp 2022!

We are excited to welcome our community to Lisbon, Portugal for 3 days of learning and growing together. This repository will be used as a record of the conference, storing schedules, links to talk resources (decks, videos), and other such content.

Camp Content

👨‍🚀 👩‍🚀 Keynotes // YouTube Playlist (Will be linked after recordings are created)

Title Speaker(s) Description Recording
Welcome Mosh and Dietrich Welcome, CoC, who are we even, why are we here, PLN Lab Week, schedule for today and all of camp, choose your own adventure, where are the bathrooms TBD
State of IPFS Molly Mackinlay (@momack2) Short overview of the state of the IPFS world by the numbers, highlighting the major events or phases since IPFS Camp 2019 (eg NFTsplosion, implementers summit) and share ecosystem numbers to illustrate the growth since then - nodes, DHT traffic, gateway traffic, contributions. TBD
IPFS Applications Showcase TBD Three IPFS applications show off what they've built and share the critical needs the protocol and implementations must deliver on in order to succeed. TBD
Decentralization and Human Rights Showcase TBD Three projects that use IPFS to improve information access & preservation to benefit human knowledge and human rights. TBD
IPFS Implementations TBD Lightning talks from the lead maintainers of key IPFS implementations on the current state and future of each, followed by a short panel discussion on what's needed most and the challenges of implementation and maintainership. TBD
IPFS Fund Announcement TBD Learn about a new funding effort to expand IPFS implementations into new and different areas and support broad ecosystem initiatives such as education, developer tooling and more. TBD
Track-o-Rama Everyone With over 15 tracks and a choose-your-own adventure format, how will you choose? In this session, track leads will give a 60- TBD
Voice Gems: A 1000 Year Archive Harry Yeff In 2020 Harry Yeff and Trung Bao set out to preserve a set of human voices for 1000 years, a feat that evokes many challenges and questions. In this talk & performance, artist and technologist Harry Yeff (Reeps100) showcases his portfolio of speed-of-light radio transmission, AI synthetic voices and how emerging technologies provide an artistically explosive and vital discussion on new methods of preservation. TBD
Fireside chat with Juan & TBL Juan Benet, Sir Tim Berners Lee The inventor of the World Wide Web and the inventor of IPFS will share their thoughts on the opportunities and challenges of the internet of today and what it needs to thrive for another three decades. TBD
WHY we are here TBD Kick off IPFS Camp by grounding us in a concrete use-case with critical impact - a political / archiving / censorship speaker who energises and imbues all our work with importance and purpose. TBD
Technical architecture future/vision - Brooke (Fission)
- Juan (PL)
- Andrew Hill (Textile)
- B5 (number0)
- Mikeal (PL)
The IPFS world looks really different from IPFS Camp 2019. How will it look at IPFS 2025 and what do we need to do to get there? TBD
Panel: IPFS Apps - showcase x3 TBD Lightning talks from three application builders with diverse use cases and strong technical foundations - eg messaging, gaming, archiving, publishing, followed by a short panel discussion discussing architectural patterns, adoption strategies, your first 100 users, etc. TBD
David vs Goliath - showcase x3 TBD Lightning talks from three builders taking on massive incumbents or massive challenges, followed by a short panel discussion about strategy, impact and how to "keep calm, steady on" in the face of such large challenges. Examples: identity, space, browsers, publishing, compute, smartphones TBD
Identity showcase TBD Three identity approaches using IPFS, followed by panel on use-cases and challenges TBD
NFTs showcase TBD Three NFT platforms, followed by panel on benefits and challenges re IPFS TBD


Content Routing

Approaches and protocols to content routing in IPFS, what we've learned so far, and talks about possible directions for the future.

Data Transfer

Getting and sending content. Moving data across the wire.

Compute over Data

Producing data without leaving the Merkle Forest -- How do we do it? How do we make it manageable at scale? How do we make the results useful and discoverable? In this track, see what others are up to, and share your own dreams!

Libp2p Day

The first ever libp2p Day: a gathering for libp2p builders, contributors, and maintainers!

IPFS for Creatives

Calling all creators! This is the first ever IPFS sponsored track for content creators (and supporters!) of all types. Come meet other creatives, learn from other artists and experts in the web3 space, and be one of the first to join our growing community.

IPFS Implementations

A wave of new IPFS implementations has grown in the past year. Meet the teams taking IPFS to the next level and find your on-ramp to working on the protocol

Growing with IPFS

Building, Funding & Contributing with IPFS. Hear from the team, founders & leading web3 investors on how to contribute to IPFS, where to build, how to get funded (e.g. grants), how to get accelerated, how to get investment, how to get hired, learn from a notable startup that's done it, and also hear from leading web3 investors on how to fundraise.

IPFS 101 and User Apps

A hands on session on getting started with IPFS, including what it is, how to set up an IPFS node, CLI commands, pinning, gateways and more. If you've been wanting to try out IPFS - now's your chance!
The User Apps component is a highlights reel of the most exciting and useful user and developer tools for IPFS

IPFS 201: Design Patterns & Developer Tools

Workshops, demos, and an expert panel covering IPFS app architectures, developer tools design patterns, developer experience and everything you need to know to build and deploy robust production-grade content-addressed apps.

Measurement & Performance

A data-driven approach to the design and operation of IPFS and libp2p through rigorous network measurements, performance evaluation and recommendations for builders and operators.

Libp2p Privacy

Dive into the current privacy work happening on libp2p and get the chance to provide feedback on direction and next steps and hear from experts in the field.

Gaming, Metaverse, & Video

Demos of how IPFS can save bandwidth and increase flexibility. Talks about directions for the future.

Browsers & Platforms

Learn the current status, ongoing challenges, and upcoming work to integrate IPFS and related technologies into browsers and the web itself.

Decentralized Job Fair

Whether you are looking for a new role, hiring for your project, or simply want to learn more about open source projects that you can contribute to, the Decentralized Job Fair is for you. Please sign up here if you are wanting to attend: https://lu.ma/ipfscamp22.jobfair

IPFS Operators & Enterprise

Explore applications & deployments of IPFS in large scale cloud & enterprise use cases with talks from IPFS operators about their experiences and best practices.

Decentralized Science (DeSci)

Decentralized Science (DeSci) is one of the fastest growing communities within the Web3 ecosystem, which aims to accelerate scientific breakthroughs and foster open collaboration by leveraging modern Web3 technologies (IPFS) and crypto-incentives (IP-NFTs).

Wanna join the Community Conversation?

Check out our community page for all the ways you can engage.

Photos and Media

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Schedule Overview

The schedule for the event can be found at https://2022.ipfs.camp/#schedule

Join other campers and chat on the IPFS Camp Slack!