
Some git (and other) power shell aliases that come in handy

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Some git (and other) power shell aliases that come in handy.


git clone https://github.com/mishra14/PowerShellAliases.git

Git Examples

Alias Equivalent Command
gits git status
gitc git commit
gitr git reset
gitrh git reset --hard
gitd git diff
gitaa git add -A
mskill taskkill /F /IM msbuild.exe

NuGet Examples

Alias Equivalent Command
c .\configure.ps1
bfast .\build.ps1 -SkipUnitTest -Fast
bfull .\build.ps1 -SkipUnitTest
cb .\configure.ps1; .\build.ps1 -SkipUnitTest
cbf .\configure.ps1; .\build.ps1 -SkipUnitTest -Fast
mskill taskkill /F /IM msbuild.exe
gpgkill taskkill /F /IM gpg*
patchcli patch local cli with NuGet.CommandLine.dll

Tooling Examples

Alias Equivalent Command
Run-NuGetTargetsCustom Run a custom target in msbuild
Run-TestsWithFilter Run a custom set of tests


  • You need to have powershell installed.
  • I have only tested this on Windows.
  • If you already have a powershell profile then the Init script fails. If you want to over write the existing copy of the file, then use .\init.ps1 -f