
Given an n x m matrix, where every row and column is sorted in increasing order, and a number x . Find if element x is present in the matrix or not. Input Format: First line consists of two space separated integers N and M, denoting the number of element in a row and column respectively. Second line of each test case consists of N*M space separated integers denoting the elements in the matrix in row major order. Third line of each test case contains a single integer x, the element to be searched. Constraints: 1 <= N,M <= 30 0 <= A[i] <= 100 Output Format: Print 1 if the element is present in the matrix, else 0. Sample Input: 3 3 3 30 38 44 52 54 57 60 69 62 1 6 18 21 27 38 55 67 55 Sample Output: 0 1 Explanation: Search the element in the sorted matrix. If the element is present print 1 otherwise print 0. In the sample input,in first case 62 is not present in the matrix so 0 is printed. Similarly, for second case 55 is present in the matrix so 1 is printed. Time Limit: 1 sec

Primary LanguageC++


Given an n x m matrix, where every row and column is sorted in increasing order, and a number x . Find if element x is present in the matrix or not.
Input Format: First line consists of two space separated integers N and M, denoting the number of element in a row and column respectively. Second line of each test case consists of N*M space separated integers denoting the elements in the matrix in row major order. Third line of each test case contains a single integer x, the element to be searched.

Constraints: 1 <= N,M <= 30 0 <= A[i] <= 100 Output Format: Print 1 if the element is present in the matrix, else 0.
Sample Input: 3 3 3 30 38 44 52 54 57 60 69 62

1 6 18 21 27 38 55 67 55

Sample Output: 0 1 Explanation: Search the element in the sorted matrix. If the element is present print 1 otherwise print 0. In the sample input,in first case 62 is not present in the matrix so 0 is printed. Similarly, for second case 55 is present in the matrix so 1 is printed.
Time Limit: 1 sec

Concept used : Staircase search

Language used : cpp