
Roslyn-based analysis for code using the Serilog logging library. Checks for common mistakes and usage problems.

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Roslyn-based analysis for code using the Serilog logging library. Checks for common mistakes and usage problems.


Installing (Visual Studio)

You can get the SerilogAnalyzer from various sources:


Serilog001: Exception Usage

Checks that exceptions are passed to the exception argument, and not as a normal property, with a code fix to correct it.

Detected incorrect usage:

catch (Exception ex)
   Log.Error("Could not save {File}: {Error}", file, ex);

The ex parameter is an exception, which Serilog has special handling for if passed as the first argument.

Correct usage:

catch (Exception ex)
   Log.Error(ex, "Could not save {File}");

Serilog002: Message Template Syntax Verifier

Checks message templates for correct syntax and emits an error if there's a violation of the templating syntax.

Detected incorrect usage:

Log.Information("Saving {File to {Directory}", file, directory);

The first property token in the message template, File, is malformed.

Correct usage:

Log.Information("Saving {File} to {Directory}", file, directory);

Serilog003: Property Binding Verifier

Checks coherence between the message template tokens and the supplied arguments.

Detected incorrect usage:

Log.Information("Saving {File} to {Directory}", file);

Here the number of arguments passed to the method (1) is less than the number of tokens in the message template (2), so the second token in the message template, {Directory}, will have no value.

Correct usage:

Log.Information("Saving {File} to {Directory}", file, directory);

Each property named in the message template needs to correspond to exactly one argument.

Serilog004: Constant Message Template Verifier

Checks that message templates are constant strings. This ensures that events with different data/format arguments can still be detected as instances of the same event.

Detected incorrect usage:

var errorMessage = TryToCheckOutOrder(...); // etc.

Because errorMessage generally contains failure-specific text ("Couldn't find order 123" ... then 124, then 125) the group of occurrences can't be located using the message template/event type.

This also degrades Serilog performance by filling its internal message template cache.

Correct usage:

Log.Error("Order handler failed with {HandlerError}", errorMessage);

Correct usage is to always pass any variable data as a property to a message template.

Serilog005: Unique Property Name Verifier

Checks that all property names in a message template are unique.

Detected incorrect usage:

Log.Information("Saving {Path} to {Path}", file, directory); 

In this example, because both properties in the message template have the same name, Serilog can only record one of them.

Correct usage:

Log.Information("Saving {File} to {Directory}", file, directory); 

Each property in a message template must have a unique name.


Performs static analysis on a fluent LoggerConfiguration call to generate configuration for use with either <appSettings> or appSettings.json

Serilog Configuration Refactoring