notes: I'm not responsible for any short of loss due to this script. it's your fault for choosing this solution for obfuscating your script. have a nice day.
A shell script for deobfuscate obfuscated python script by even the website says 'this method makes it difficult for hackers to gain access to your sensitive source code. This Python obfuscator is highly advanced, using multi-layer obfuscation to make it effectively impossible to recover the original source code.', a random 15yo just casually cracked this open like it was nothing.
1. Replace 'exec' to 'print`
2. Run the script like usual but append to temp file
3. Grep encrypted script chunk from temp file
4. Compiles the decryption script with the script chunk
5. Loop from step 2 until there's no string 'exec' on temp file
# Install dependencies
apt update -y && apt upgrade -y
apt install python2
# Deobfuscate
You're done, anyone now can see what's actually inside your script, have a nice day 🧋