
Primary LanguageJavaScript

LD Mapper

Trying to work on making an interface to some PM pollution data, which allows people to change the displayed time.

Various resources

-- Canvas general

- Canvas and mobile web


- Mozilla canvas tutorial


-- Debugging on mobile


-- Canvas and leaflet


semi-related about leaflet and canvas

// ( it's a canvas-leaflet library, hopefully giving some hints ) http://bl.ocks.org/Sumbera/11114288/ba15e1f5953dab372f0adb4a19ef06800113b6f2

-- Coordinate systems

- Code libraries for coordinate conversion
- Tips about coordinate sytems defined in meters

-- Historical note on WGS84 https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/Geodesy4Layman/TR80003E.HTM#ZZ11

Various tips & tricks


( - set up test Leaflet environment… maybe somewhre separate )

  • Try the Leaflet map pixel operations mentioned just above - eg getPixelOrigin

  • Try figure out if you can create a hexagon map with leaflet alone ( you could always test using d3 to do it… )