Provisioning library for CI and local multi-host testing supporting multiple provisioning providers e.g. OpenStack, libvirt, containers, Beaker).
But in comparison to multi-cloud libraries, the aim is to be able to describe host from application perspective. E.g.:
network: IPv4
- name: master.testdomain.test
role: master
group: ipaserver
os: fedora-31
- name: client.testdomain.test
role: client
group: ipaclient
os: fedora-30
This is then combined with provisioning configuration where each provider has
defined meaning for role
, group
, os
params which e.g. translates to
flavors, images, ...
provider: openstack # default provider
fedora-30: Fedora-Cloud-Base-30-compose-latest
fedora-31: Fedora-Cloud-Base-31
ipaserver: ci.m1.medium
ipaclient: ci.m1.micro
IPv4: net_ci_4
IPv6: net_ipv6_only
dual: net_cci_4_6
keypair: ipa_key
fedora-30: FEDORA-30%
fodora-31: FEDORA-31%
So then user can quickly change provisioning location just by changing provider name without needing to redefine the provider/cloud specifics. This is especially useful for a lot of jobs sharing the same app specific provisioner configuration.
provider: beaker
Or each host can use a different provider:
- name: master.testdomain.test
role: master
group: ipaserver
os: fedora-31
provider: openstack
network: dual
- name: client.testdomain.test
role: client
group: ipaclient
os: fedora-30
provider: beaker
The output is then Ansible inventory with correct group mapping and information which allows to SSH to the machines.
f30-1.mrack.test: {}
f33-2.mrack.test: {}
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: config/id_rsa
ansible_user: fedora
meta_dc_record: DC=mrack,DC=test
meta_domain: mrack.test
meta_fqdn: f30-1.mrack.test
meta_os: fedora-30
meta_provider_id: 7c3c28f9-4674-4f7f-b413-00bc0b00d711
meta_restraint_id: 9
meta_role: master
ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: config/id_rsa
ansible_user: fedora
meta_dc_record: DC=mrack,DC=test
meta_domain: mrack.test
meta_fqdn: f33-2.mrack.test
meta_os: fedora-33
meta_provider_id: i-08c0d4a86c4b7f7ef
meta_restraint_id: 1
meta_role: master
mrack can be installed via pip, from PyPI:
pip install mrack
It is also available for Fedora 32+ via COPR:
sudo dnf copr enable @freeipa/neoave
sudo dnf install mrack
In order to use the mrack utility a mrack.conf (e.g. [mrack.conf] from the repository(repo/blob/master/src/mrack/data/mrack.conf)) is needed.
mrack looks for the config file in following order:
actual directory~/.mrack/
home directory/etc/mrack/
system directory
Values from the configuration file could be overriden using mrack utility
options --mrack-config
(for more see mrack --help
Usage: mrack [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Multihost human friendly provisioner.
-c, --mrack-config PATH
-p, --provisioning-config PATH
-d, --db PATH
--help Show this message and exit.
destroy Destroy provisioned hosts.
list List host tracked by.
output Create outputs - such as Ansible inventory.
ssh SSH to host.
up Provision hosts.
To provision system from the metadata.yaml either run:
mrack up
or use up
command's option --metadata
to override path to the metadata file.
mrack up --metadata other-metadata.yaml
To return resources using mrack run:
mrack destroy
or use destroy
command's option --metadata
to override path to the metadata file.
mrack destroy --metadata other-metadata.yaml
# first set up authentication for each provider
# $ export AWS_CONFIG_FILE=`readlink -f ./aws.key`
from mrack.providers import providers
# import all supported providers:
from import PROVISIONER_KEY as AWS
from import AWSProvider
from mrack.providers.beaker import PROVISIONER_KEY as BEAKER
from mrack.providers.beaker import BeakerProvider
from mrack.providers.openstack import PROVISIONER_KEY as OPENSTACK
from mrack.providers.openstack import OpenStackProvider
from mrack.providers.podman import PROVISIONER_KEY as PODMAN
from mrack.providers.podman import PodmanProvider
from mrack.providers.static import PROVISIONER_KEY as STATIC
from mrack.providers.static import StaticProvider
from mrack.providers.virt import PROVISIONER_KEY as VIRT
from mrack.providers.virt import VirtProvider
# register all supported providers:
providers.register(AWS, AWSProvider)
providers.register(OPENSTACK, OpenStackProvider)
providers.register(BEAKER, BeakerProvider)
providers.register(PODMAN, PodmanProvider)
providers.register(STATIC, StaticProvider)
providers.register(VIRT, VirtProvider)
# use global context class
import mrack
global_context = mrack.context.global_context
# init global context with paths to files
mrack_config = "mrack.conf"
provisioning_config = "provisioning-config.yaml"
db_file = "mrackdb.json"
global_context.init(mrack_config, provisioning_config, db_file)
# load the metadata to global_context
metadata = "./metadata-f34.yaml"
# pick default provider:
provider = "aws"
# create Up action
from mrack.actions.up import Up
up_action = Up()
await up_action.init(provider)
# provision machines:
await up_action.provision()
# store the output to db or just use the db later on
from mrack.actions.output import Output
output_action = Output()
await output_action.generate_outputs()
# work with machines...
# cleanup the machines:
from mrack.actions.destroy import Destroy
destroy_action = Destroy()
await destroy_action.destroy()
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