
Simple generic UIViewController with arbitrary number of pickers

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


  • Simple generic viewcontroller with arbitrary number of pickers.
  • Contains pre-configured date picker
  • Supports user defined style configuration


alt tag


  • Swift 3.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+


# in your tvOS target
pod 'TVMultiPicker'



In order to use this library it's necessary to create instance of MultiPickerViewController<T>.

<T> is the type of value generated by picker.

User has to provide ProcessDataAction: ([(index: Int, value: String)]) -> T? action which can generate value from given array of selected items in multiple pickers.

Pickers are defined in a following way:

let examplePicker = PickerDefinition(
    data: ["Item 1", "Item 2"],    // Items displayed in horizontal list
    cellWidth: 100,                // Width of each item cell (can be nil for auto-calculated width!)
    initialValueIndex: 0,          // "Item 1" will initially be focused
    remembersLastFocusedElement: true // Remembers focused element when horizontal list regains focus 

Real example

For example, let's create simple multi picker containing two pickers with auto-calculated cell widths. First one will be gender picker while second one will represent country picker. In the end we want to get picked value in String format: "Male, Croatia". After user has picked value, we'll dismiss picker and print value to console.

let pickerVC = MultiPickerViewController<String>(
            data: ["Male", "Female"],
            cellWidth: nil,
            initialValueIndex: 0,
            remembersLastFocusedElement: true
            data: ["Croatia", "France", "Italy", "Spain"],
            cellWidth: nil,
            initialValueIndex: 0,
            remembersLastFocusedElement: true
    initialPickerIndex: 0,                  // Initially focused picker will be gender picker
    configuration: .defaultConfig,          // UI configuration set to default red/black style
    processDataAction: { pickedValues in
        return pickedValues[0].value + ", " + pickedValues[1].value
    valuePickedAction: { finalValue, picker in
        picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

// present pickerVC and everything is set-up

Date picker

Library also contains pre-made date picker. It can be used in following way:

let picker = MultiPicker.datePicker(
    startYear: 1900,            // Lower year bound
    initialYear: 1990,          // Initially focused year
    configuration: .defaultConfig
) { date, picker in
        picker.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)