
Game Description

Your typical hangman game. However, the list of guessable words is currently limited to 50 different words. Words will range from having four to six letter words.

Behind the Project

I wanted to create a simple game using TypeScript, SCSS, and React for the frontend, aiming for a clean and interactive user interface. For the backend, I used JavaScript along with Redux for managing state, Sequelize for database interactions with PostgreSQL, and Bcryptjs for secure password handling. The main goal of this project was to improve my TypeScript skills and learn how to handle user authentication and database operations effectively. Users can register and log in using their username and password, and once logged in, they can track their wins and losses, which are stored in a PostgreSQL database.

Tech Stack


  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • SCSS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets)
  • Vite
TypeScript Logo React Logo SASS Logo Vite Logo


  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Sequelize (ORM for PostgreSQL)
  • Bcryptjs (Password hashing)
JavaScript Logo Node.js Logo Sequelize Logo PostgreSQL Logo


  • PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Logo


Step One: Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/your-username/hangman-game.git
cd hangman-game

Step Two: Install Dependencies

npm install

Step Three: Setup Environment Variables

  1. Duplicate .env.example and rename it to .env
cp .env.example .env
  1. Replace the placeholders in the .env with values for your development environment

Running the Application

Step One: Run the server

cd server
npm run dev

Step Two: Run the frontend

cd hangman-game
npm run dev

API Endpoints


Register User

  • Endpoint: POST api/users/register
  • Registers a new user

Login User

  • Endpoint: POST api/users/login
  • Logs in a user

User Statistics

Win and Loss Record

  • Endpoint: GET api/users/matches/:id
  • Allows user to view how many wins and losses they have

Game Access

  • Route: /game
  • Users can visit this route to start playing the Hangman game. No API endpoints required for gameplay.

Addressing Bugs in the Game

  1. There is a bug where wins and losses are sometimes not recorded onto the matches page after the user completes a game. It commonly happens when a user first logs in to their account. Currently, to bypass this issue, users have to refresh the page after logging in, before starting a game.
  2. When the game page is first rendered, the gallows for the hangman appears. However, after the user's first wrong guess, the gallows and keyboard shift downwards. Not game breaking, but a bit unpleasant to gameplay. This could possibly be due to how divs are set up around the game page and relative positioning of components.
  3. Issue where deployment version will be able to add new users to PostgreSQL database after they use the sign up form, but new wins is not updated when logged in users complete a game, or view their wins and losses page. Believe this is due to API fetch error on the frontend from inspecting the dev tools. Currently working on a fix.

Gallows before incorrect guess Gallows after incorrect guess

Plans for the Future

  1. Planning to implement a feature in the navbar that displays a user's win and loss record. It should automatically update once a user finishes a game and starts a new one. This is just so that users who are interested in their record won't have to visit a separate page.
  2. Instead of a fixed list of words, it would be better to have a feature that randomly generates any English word. It prevent players from memorizing the 50 words that make up the list so far. This feature would also allow the words to be guessed range anywhere from 3 letter words to 8 letter words.
  3. Improve the styling for the game and each page.

Deployment Link


Cited Sources

WebDevSimplified (2022). HangmanWord component.

  style={{ visibility: usedLetters.includes(letter) ? "visible" : "hidden" }}


I referenced this source to implement a keyboard feature in the game. This feature makes used keys unclickable to enhance the quality of life for the user, preventing them from guessing the same letter multiple times.