Access Windows Search from Emacs.
- Put winsearch.el into your load path.
adoquery.exe is a simple ADO access wrapper. Included in this repository, but you can also build your own. (see: is no longer needed, powershell is needed instead) - Put
(require 'winsearch)
into your init.el
If you use ivy/counsel, you can use counsel-winsearch defined in winsearch-counsel.el.
Type M-x winsearch
The result is displayed like grep.
You can specify multiple of the following patterns:
- word
- “word word”
- file:<name>
- ext:<extension>
- title:<name>
- author:<name>
- contents:<text>
- size:<op><digits> ( <op> is one of < <= = > >= != )
- date:<op><YYYY-MM-DD> ( <op> is one of < <= = > >= )
- date:<YYYY-MM-DD>..<YYYY-MM-DD>
- date:today
Search from filepath or filename or contents.
- hello
- apple orange banana
- “hello world”
- CreateWindow
From contents.
- contents:hello\ world
From title.
- title:hello
From filename or file.
- filename:main.cpp
By author.
- author:misohena
- author:Jhon\ Smith
By file extension.
- ext:mp3
- ext:.mp3
- fileext:mp3
By kind.
- kind:folder
- kind:music
- kind:picture
- kind:video
- kind:playlist
- kind:program
- kind:link
(see: System.Kind | Microsoft Docs )
By size.
- size:>=1000000000
- size:<100000
By date.
- date:today
- date:2018-12-20
- date:2018-12
- date:2018
- date:=2018-12-20
- date:2018-12-1..2019-1-3
- date:>=2010 date:<2011
winsearch-counsel.el defines `consel-winsearch’ command.
winsearch-consult.el defines `consult-winsearch’ command.