
Cloud Formation template for charmed kubeflow deployment

Steps to test

Login to your aws console with admin priviledges account. Set the region to us-east-1 go to CloudFormation service. Choose the option to create stack (choose subotion with new resources). Next choose Template is ready and Upload teamplate file options. Navigate to cf_kubeflow_single_instance.yaml and submit.

Next choose a name for your stack e.g kubeflow and choose key-pair from dropdown to allow SSH (key must be created before template. You can create one in EC2 service > key pairs > create). Wait until the stack is in CREATE_COMPLETE state.

Stack will create one EC2 instance with public vpc subnet and almost empty security group (per AWS appliance quidelines SSH access should be denied by default). To allow the ssh access to the instance go to EC2 service click on the instance (choose the one with the tag aws:cloudformation:stack-name: <name you speciffied>) click on the Security tab click on the security group. In the Inbounds rules tab click on Edit inbound rules add new rule for SSH (you can type ssh in the dropdown and choose CIDR for every IP, or you can be specific with your IP).

SSH to the instance with provided keypair (make sure to proxy ports). You can get the ip in the EC2 service instances tab, by clicking on desired instance

$ ssh -i <key-pair>.pem -D 9999 ubuntu@<ec2-ip> 

Now you need to wait until the kubeflow is installed (approx. 40 mins). You can always check the progress of the script with

tail -f /var/log/cloud-init-output.log 

or you can check juju components at (following command will autorefresh every 5s).

juju status --watch 5s

After the juju components are in Active state, setup your browser Proxy (Firefox: Settings > Network Settings > Socks proxy set to and port 9999, or the one you tunnel). Now you can wisit and use the default credentials (user123@email.com/user123).

Cost estimates

The only charged aws resource within the template is the ec2 instance t2.2xlarge with gp2 volume of size 100GB. You can find the cost caluculation at this link


You can find the archytectural diagram for the template in the file template1-designer.png.