
Getting started

Install firebase tools: npm install -g firebase-tools

Login to firebase: firebase login

Deploy app: firebase deploy

Start the app: npm run serve

Contract for THE BOX:

1. Single tap: goal, double tap: ownGoal
    "team": "red | blue",
    "position": "striker | defense",
    "action": "goal | ownGoal",

2. Press and hold for 2 sec
PUT /undo

3. 2 buttons press and hold for 2 sec
    "action": "swap",
    "player1": {
        "team": null,
        "position": null,
    "player2": {
        "team": null,
        "position": null,

Database Contract:

	"matchId": "string"

    "id": "string",
    "startTime": dateTime,
    "endTime": dateTime,
    "teams": {
        "red": {
            "striker": "string",
	    "defender": "string",
	    "score": int
	"blue": {
	    "striker": "string",
	    "defender": "string",
	    "score": int
    "history": [
			"eventType": "string",
			"player": "string",
			"eventTime": dateTime