
A TODO application built with Vue.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A very minimal Todo Web Application




  1. Nodejs
  2. Express
  3. MongoDB
  4. Mongoose


  1. Vuejs
  2. Webpack
  3. Nodejs


  1. Install Node JS.
  2. To clone, run git clone https://github.com/missating/vue-todo.git.
  3. cd into the root of the project directory.
  4. Run npm install on the terminal to install dependencies.
  5. Create a .env file in the root directory of the application. Example of the content of the .env can be found in the .env.example
  6. Once the set up is complete, to start the application run npm run start:server - Server side and npm run start:client - Client side
  • NB: The client side is fully dependent on the server side (API) for proper use. They both run on different port.