README: React Evernote

Task Lister is making its return in React! However, this time we'll be kicking it up a notch and using that same backend to drive an Evernote-like frontend built in React.

Your goal will be to complete the baseline deliverables using the provided starter code and then make this project your own by building out unique stretch goals. Some suggestions are listed below, but try to be creative!


  • Complete all of the Deliverables.
  • Build out at least 1 stretch goal feature.


The codebase is split up into a Rails API backend and a React frontend. Everything is contained in this single repository. Your Rails code is located inside of the backend folder and your React code is located inside of the frontend folder.

Each of those folders has a README file with setup instructions. For conciseness, those instructions are copy pasted here:


# from within this directory:
npm install
PORT=4000 npm start

This React app will be running on http://localhost:4000.


# from within this directory:
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s

Your Rails backend API will be running on http://localhost:3000.

User ID

The seed file should create one user for you, so your default USER_ID should be 1. If that doesn't work, debug it with the /api/v1/users route as shown below.


Method Route Headers Body
GET /api/v1/users
GET /api/v1/notes
POST /api/v1/notes 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'Accept': 'application/json'
title, body, user_id
PATCH /api/v1/notes/:id 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'Accept': 'application/json'
title, body, user_id


  • Test out your routes with Postman to see how they work and what they return.
  • Look at the source code! There are many more routes that are not listed that may make your life easier. Use those development skills and hack the code!

Provided Code


  • The entire backend API is complete for the baseline deliverables.
  • You should not have to modify this code unless you want to add stretch features that are not currently supported by this API.


  • All CSS styles are provided for you.
  • Many components are provided for you, but most are not completely functional. It is your job to read the code and figure out how to incorporate it into your app.


Look at the gif below to see how the app should look and behave. These are the baseline deliverables you need to complete:

Viewing and Displaying Notes

  • Display all notes in the left sidebar.
  • Displayed sidebar notes should show the title and a truncated body.
  • When clicking a note from the sidebar, display its contents in the right panel.


Editing Notes

  • When displaying a note in the right panel, show an Edit button.
  • Clicking the Edit button will allow the user to edit the title and body in the right panel.
  • When in edit mode, also show a Save button which saves the note via a PATCH request.
  • When in edit mode, also show a Cancel button which discards any changes and reverts back to displaying the note.
  • Clicking a different note while in edit mode should discard your changes and display the new note instead.


Creating Notes

  • At the bottom of your left sidebar, show a New button.
  • Clicking New will create a new note via POST request with some default title and body.
  • This new note should appear in the sidebar.


Filtering Notes

  • Implement the filter to search through your notes list by title.


Stretch Goals

When you are finished with the Delieverables, you can build out any new features that you want. This is your chance to be creative and make your project unique!

Some suggestions:

  • Add the ability to filter by body, date created, date edited, etc.
  • Sorting by date created, date edited, alphabetical, etc.
  • Use react-router to create a multi-page app
  • User signup & login
  • Sharing notes with other users
  • Rich text formatting
  • Tagging
  • Emailing notes