
systemd-resolved and docker DNS integration

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Provides systemd-resolved and docker DNS integration.

  1. A DNS server is configured to listen on the docker interface's IP address. This is used to expose the systemd-resolved DNS service ( to docker containers by proxying DNS requests, which doesn't work by default due to the differing network namespaces.

  2. Allows containers to be referenced by hostname by adding a DNS servers to a dummy interface using the systemd-resolved D-Bus API.


Container domain addresses

Based on the container's properties multiple domain names may be generated. For this the default_domain (DEFAULT_DOMAIN) and allowed domains (ALLOWED_DOMAINS) options are used. The list of allowed domains specifies which domains may be handled. An entry starting with . (example: .docker) allows all matching subdomains, otherwise an exact match is required. If a generated domain address doesn't match the list of allowed domains, then the default_domain is appended.

  1. <container_id>.<default_domain>

    All containers will be reachable by their container_id:

    docker run --rm -it alpine                                        #  d6d51528ac46.docker
    docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
    d6d51528ac46        alpine                    "/bin/sh"                8 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds                                 relaxed_cartwright
  2. <container_hostname>.<default_domain>, <container_hostname>.<container_domain>.<default_domain>, <container_hostname>.<container_domain>

    If an explicit --hostname is provided then that may also be used:

    docker run --rm -it --hostname test      alpine                   # test.docker

    Glob matching is supported in the --hostname, with which wildcard domains are supported:

    docker run --hostname '*.test' --rm -it alpine                    # anything.test

    If an explicit --domainname is provided then that may also be used:

    docker run --rm -it --hostname test --domainname mydomain alpine  # test.mydomain.docker

    When the domain name is in the list of allowed domains (ALLOWED_DOMAINS=.docker,.local), then the default_domain will not be appended:

    docker run --rm -it --hostname test --domainname local    alpine  # test.local
  3. <container_name>.<container_network>.<default_domain>, <container_name>.<container_network>

    If a non-default network is used (not bridge or host) then a name will be generated based on the network's name:

    docker run --rm -it           --network testnet alpine            # zealous_jones.testnet.docker
    docker run --rm -it --name db --network testnet alpine            # db.testnet.docker

    When the network's name is in the list of allowed domains (ALLOWED_DOMAINS=.docker,.somenet), then the default_domain will not be appended:

    docker run --rm -it           --network somenet alpine            # zealous_jones.somenet
    docker run --rm -it --name db --network somenet alpine            # db.somenet.docker
  4. <service>.<project>.<default_domain>, <service>.<project>, <container_number>.<service>.<project>.<default_domain>, <container_number>.<service>.<project>

    If docker-compose is used then names will be generated based on the service and project names. If a service has multiple containers then the reply will contain all instances:

    host   webserver.someproject.docker                        #   webserver.someproject.docker has address
                                                               #   webserver.someproject.docker has address
    host 1.webserver.someproject.docker                        # 1.webserver.someproject.docker has address

    When the project's name is in the list of allowed domains (ALLOWED_DOMAINS=.docker,.someproject), then the default_domain will not be appended.

    If a <service> name is unique, then it is available also as <service>.<default_domain>.

    host   webserver.docker                                    #   webserver.docker has address

If configured correctly then resolvectl status should show the configured link-specific DNS server:

$ resolvectl status
Link 7 (srd-dummy)
Current Scopes: DNS LLMNR/IPv4 LLMNR/IPv6
     Protocols: -DefaultRoute +LLMNR -mDNS -DNSOverTLS DNSSEC=no/unsupported
   DNS Servers:
    DNS Domain: ~docker

A dummy interface (srd-dummy by default) is created to add the custom DNS server to systemd-resolved. This is required because the lifecycle of the docker0 depends on there being running containers on the default network, even if there are running containers on other networks. / systemd-resolved within containers

If docker is configured to use the provided DNS server then the container domain names may also be resolved within containers:

$ docker run --dns --rm -it alpine
/ # apk add bind
/ # host test.docker
Host test.docker not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
$ docker run --dns --rm -it alpine
/ # apk add bind
/ # host test.docker
/ # host test.docker
test.docker has address
Host test.docker not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
Host test.docker not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

If there are link-local, VPN or other DNS servers configured then those will also work within containers.


systemd-resolved-docker may be configured using environment variables. When installed using the RPM /etc/sysconfig/systemd-resolved-docker may also be modified to update the environment variables.

Name Description Default Value Example
DNS_SERVER DNS server to use when resolving queries from docker containers. - systemd-resolved DNS server
SYSTEMD_RESOLVED_INTERFACE Dummy interface name which will be created to interface with systemd-resolved srd-dummy srd-dummy
SYSTEMD_RESOLVED_LISTEN_ADDRESS IPs (+port) to listen on for queries from systemd-resolved.
DOCKER_LISTEN_ADDRESS IPs (+port) to listen on for queries from docker containers in the default network. ip of the default docker bridge, often or
ALLOWED_DOMAINS Domain which will be handled by the DNS server. If a domain starts with . then all subdomains will also be allowed. .docker .docker,.local
DEFAULT_DOMAIN Domain to append to hostnames which are not allowed by ALLOWED_DOMAINS. docker docker
DEFAULT_HOST_IP IP address to use for containers on the host network if the container doesn't contain one.
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Fedora / COPR

For Fedora and RPM based systems COPR contains pre-built packages.

  1. Enabled the COPR repository

    dnf copr enable flaktack/systemd-resolved-docker
  2. Install the package

    dnf install systemd-resolved-docker
  3. Start and optionally enable the service

    systemctl start  systemd-resolved-docker
    systemctl enable systemd-resolved-docker
  4. Docker should be updated to use the DNS server provided by systemd-docker-resolved. This may be done globally by editing the docker daemon's configuration (daemon.json) or per-container using the --dns flag.

    "dns": [
      "" // docker0 interface's IP address
  5. NetworkManager may reset the docker interface's configuration for systemd-resolved. If that happens than the interface needs to be unmanaged. This may be done by creating a /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/99-docker.conf:



setup.py may be used to create a python package.

tito may be used to create RPMs.


Portions are based on docker-auto-dnsmasq and dnslib.