First-class patterns for Clojure. Made with love, functions, and just the right amount of syntax.
- 5hanthSoftware Consultant
- aaronlevin@fastly
- akhileshsSan Francisco, CA
- aleksandersumowskiLondon, UK
- amarpotghanLondon
- antham
- chunsj
- deanhAbleton
- erichmond@basil-sys
- gavinmbellThe 6th Column Project
- Gonzih@avroai
- haraldkochToronto ON Canada
- indrajitrChicago, IL
- jamieiUK
- kelsaditaIndia
- KhronosToronto
- lambder
- lukeorlandNew York, NY
- maxaf
- mrzorParis, France
- pastafariBerlin
- perveziqbal
- pranavcodeVelotio Technologies (@velotio-tech)
- pron
- quan-nh
- rahulkavalePune
- rauhsBavaria, Germany
- rhushikeshPune, India
- s-mage@nomadixinc
- santoshgokak
- Shridhad@neondatabase
- skovuri41new york
- tomwadesonLondon, UK
- vishwasm26
- Vivek-PatilThoughtWorks
- yogthosLumanu