
Neon glowing rectangle progress bar for your next level #PowerApps!

MIT LicenseMIT


Neon glowing rectangle progress bar for your next level #PowerApps!

ezgif com-gif-maker (2)

It can be easily imported into your Canvas Apps as a component and used immediately. It is fully scalable and responsive.

To install the component, please follow these steps:

Please download the .msapp from this repo,

Import it into your application

And you're good to go! :)

Here's the list of available properties:


◻ Value – this property specifies the ‘progress’ value. This could be X holidays taken, X tasks completed, X items in stock

◼ MaxValue – use this property to set the max value. This could be the total holiday allowance, total number of tasks for the project, total number of items etc.

◻ RailColour – this property is responsible for the fill of the rail (the back circle)

◼ PrimaryTextColour – this value is responsible for the colour of the text

◻ SecondaryTextColour – this property specifies the colour of the text underneath the percentage

◼ ProgressBarGradient1 and ProgressBarGradient2 – these properties are responsible for the gradient of your progress bar and will accept rgb and hex values

◻ SecondaryText – this is the text underneath the percentage

◼ BarHeight – height of the progress bar

If you have any enhancement ideas, or experience any issues at all - please reach out to me either by raising an issue or getting in touch on my social media: LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristine-kolodziejski-07b6a7212/ Twitter - @kristinekk94

Happy Power Apping 😊