
Primary LanguageHTML



Please refer to github issues/stories for information. If you have questions/concerns/suggestions do not be afraid to comment on already existing issues or create new ones. If you finish an issue assigned to you, please @ someone who may be related to the work you did or @ someone you like to review your work before closing an issue. Anyone must review your work before you close an issue. You can check milestone completion by how many issues are closed.


If you find a bug (especially minor) create an issue with the label "bug" and any other relevant labels. If it's a visual bug, label it with 'aesthetics', if its a database bug label it with 'database'. Likewise with if it is a front-end or mid-tier issue. Assign someone who is related to the bug or @ someone for questions/comments about said bug if you feel they have knowledge about it. If you volunteer to fix the bug, PLEASE still make the issue, but assign yourself so we don't have duplicate fixes.

Major Bugs:

Major bugs are to be found and fixed before any development. Major bugs are bugs that prevent any future development or enhancements and make the website unusable. Please make an issue and contact the entire team immediately.

Branch Etiquette:

Before you begin development:

  • Make a new branch. If you are working mid-end, branch off of mid-end or work on mid-end only. if you are working front-end branch off of front-end or work on front-end. DO NOT BRANCH OFF OF WEBAPP OR MASTER. Exceptions will be made only after communication with the team.
  • Name your branch the thing you're working on. Example: if you're working on the navbar, name it "front-end_Navbar" No more "Andrew" or anything like that.


We are lacking in documentation. Please reach inside and remember freshman you who was very interested in making documentation, if that never was you, please make it the new you. Documentation makes someone else looking at your code understand it. It doesn't even need to be extensive. Simply put little lines saying things like "sidebar navigation toggle methods for animation" or something. Don't go crazy.

Code Etiquette:

HTML Code has a format, please be mindful. Indent properly, if you copy and paste something make sure it aligns well with the rest of the page. I have seen this already. There are programs that can format it for you if you need it. If you're writing HTML in an IDE, it probably already has this as a feature.