
Sign-Up/Register Page

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  • Clear Wording:
    Change "Address" to Delivery Address while also allowing user to select what kind of address this is: home/work/etc. Give message that all input fields are mandatory EXCEPT apt. number.

  • Error Checking:
    An enhancement on the current error checking.
    1. Taken Email: if the email already exists.
    2. Email Format Validation: if the email imputed is in email format.
    3. Password Complexity Validation: if the password imputed meets complexity restrictions
    4. Password Retype Validation: if the passwords typed are the same
    5. Complete Form Validation: if every mandatory field is filled out.
    6. Error Messages: user should be told what they are doing wrong in a pleasing, easy to read manner. Red easy to read font or a pop-up message.

  • Error Enhancement:
    Mistakes made by the user shouldn't erase the entire form. Suggestion: Highlight the boxes where the error occurs in red.

  • Auto Login:
    If a user successfully inputs all signup information, they should be auto logged in and sent to profile page or back to the previous page. (design choice).

Question: Why does this require a mid-tier AND front-end developer to work together?
Answer: Because you will need email validation and sign up to properly work together. Front-end developer has a higher responsibility than the mid-tier. Mid-tier responsibility is to ensure that the below works:

  1. Taken Email: if the email already exists.

There is a bug that has appeared, server error keeps occurring See issue #45

Field Validation has been implemented