Discord Hangman Bot:

Hello! This is Katie's discord hangman bot. :)

Current Version: Still in beta

Known bugs:

  • Under the setting for word guesses being allowed, bug happens when guessed word appears twice in the phrase that players are guessing.

This discord bot is a small interaction bot that runs hang man games for multiple players within a single text channel. Has special settings to change what text channel to run games, to add a spin to the game to allow case sensitive letter guesses, or to allow guesses to be entire words. The bot is NSFW because it does pull random phrases from Urban Dictionary.

Future Additions:

  • Hangman ascii art or actual pictures. Have not decided fully yet.
  • More interactions, bug fixes, better message output
  • Make a default channel ID rather than have bot owner manually put it inside the code
  • Make it so cmd exe runs bot rather than requiring installs.

The code is mainly for people to learn from considering it is very basic level discord bot made in python and it is well documented.

If you want to add this bot to your server you will need your bot token by making a bot on the discord site, installing beautifulsoup4 with lxml parsor, channel and server id, python, and the discord.py. To put your token and Ids, there is a place at the top of the file of hangman.py

Where to find: Bot Token: https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me - will need to make a bot on a separate account, and "reveal token" to find token

Development is in a private repo.

Feel free to work off of this, use it in your server, make it better, or use it learn the discord api

:) Good Luck everyone!