
You play as a freshly turned vampire attempting to establish a town with a focus on pizza making. All while remaining low profile as a vampire, you will become more powerful through pizza hungry tourist blood and money. As an immortal pizza pioneer, you will progress your town with revolutionary technology through time.


Vampizza is a Isometric Tycoon Farming game based around a vampire traveling through time to deliver and fufill the most delicous pizza. Players play as the vampire establishing and building up an empire that specializes in pizza making all while maintaining anonymity and their thirst for blood.


Gameplay Genre

This is a 2D Isometric Tycoon Resource-Based Farming Simulator

The genre may be updated in future release to add turn based fighting mechanics.

Game Engine

Unity 2020.3.5

Current Version of Vampizza


Get Involved

If you're a student looking to help make a game whether you're an art student, C.S. student, music student, or similar you're welcome to join! We also appreciate those who want to help test the game, or provide mentorship in our quest to develop in Unity. First head on over to the project discord to communicate with others who are there. There might not be many of us there, but you're welcome to join us. We follow "due dates" to ensure things get done at some point. Eventually, we will also limit the number of developers.

How to Play



Level of the player represents the "strength" of the player. Levels are gained through experience rewards. There is no maximum level allowing the game to be ever scaling. A level can directly effect the difficulty of the game as various mechanics may rely on it for their difficulty.

Experience can be gained through:

  • Unlocking/Upgrading/Building Town Structures
  • Gathering Resources
  • Completing Missions/Orders

Blood Thirst Meter

The thirst meter represents the player's need to feed on human blood. A full meter is a full vampire while an empty meter is a very thirsty vampire. The consequence of an empty meter is the loss of citizen count equal to the vampire's level (One towny loss per every player level). The player will also experience the loss of 0.10 times the number of levels in currency to pay for the loss of citizens. The amount of blood needed daily also depends on the player's level where 10 units of blood is needed per every level. A level 20 vampire will need 200 units of blood to be sustained and will lose 20 townies upon an empty meter

To learn more about the resource: Blood scroll down to resources.

Fun Fact: The average human is around 10 units of blood (1.2-1.5 gallons) - American Red Cross


The location for all of the player's resources excluding Blood and currency. Maximum allowed space depends entirely on the built structures in the player's town. To increase the maximum allowed items in inventory, upgrading and purchasing Storage Facilities is required. The player initially starts at a maximum of 500 items allowed in inventory.


This is the driving force in upgrading the player's town. Currency allows the player to purchase structures, resources, items, and upgrades. The form of currency evolves alongside the town and it's technology.

  • Medieval Era: Coins
  • Other Eras TBA


The player's main focus should be to make pizza to attract tourists to their town. Pizzas can be made through resources gathered by town efforts. Pizza isn't an actual inventory item but instead recipe lists and how many pizzas can be made with each.



Citizen Count

There are a number of citizens that belong to the Vampire Player's town. Building towny homes allows for citizens to move in to the town and contribute to the pizza making that the town is famous for. Each citizen in the player's town represents 0.025x production speed on farm plots, and crafting stations

Technological Era

Vampires are immortal and thus live until they are are murdered. To incorporate this aspect in to the game, the player can experience different timelines where their upgrades, currency, structures, etc change with the current era. Some structures, resources, and upgrades are only unlocked through entering a new era.



There is a meter that the user must always be conscious of. The meter is measured in "units" of blood and must remain filled otherwise penalties occur. These penalties include:

  • Loss of 1 citizen/worker per every level. If the player is a level 5, they will lose 5 citizens.
  • Loss of 10 times the number of levels in currency to pay for the loss of citizens.


Wheat is a farmable resource. It can be used to create a vital resource such as flour to make dough for pizza orders. Wheat can ONLY be gathered through farm plots.

Name in Game Type of Resource Used for Base Selling Price
Wheat Primitive Farming Crafting Flour 5


Tomato is a farmable resource. It is a resource needed for fulfilling recipes asked for through customer/tourist scenario interactions. Tomato can only be gathered through farm plots.

Name in Game Type of Resource Used for Base Selling Price
Tomato Primitive Farming Order Fulfilment/Delivery 7

Tomatos are a primitive resource that does not need refining


Milk is a primitive resource that can be gathered through dairy farms/barns. Barns are an unlockable structure needed to gather milk. Milk also must be crafted into cheese order to be used.

Name in Game Type of Resource Used for Base Selling Price
Milk Primitive Crafting Cheese 10


Flour is a crafted resource needed for fulfilling recipes asked for through customer/tourist scenario interactions. Flour can be crafted using wheat that is a gathered primitive resource.

Name in Game Type of Resource Ingredients needed Used for Base Selling Price
Flower Crafted 5 stacks of wheat Order Fulfilment/Delivery 7


Cheese is a crafted resource needed for fulfilling recipes asked for through customer/tourist scenario interactions. Cheese can be crafted using milk gathered from barn structures.

Name in Game Type of Resource Ingredients needed Used for Base Selling Price
Cheese Crafted 1 bottle of milk Order Fulfilment/Delivery 15


Player Home

Purely aesthetic structure that represents the player's home.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Home Decor N/A 3 1000 x player level Completely Unlocked N/A N/A

Towny Home

Building more town homes allows for a higher citizen amount. This directly is responsible for improving production time through citizens.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Town House Town Improvement 200 2 25 x player level initially unlocked but upgrades researched adds a citizen N/A

Farm Plot

Each harvest from a farm plot provides 1 + the number of upgrades stacks of what ever primitive resource was grown. Building more farm plots allows for more resource gathering.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Farm Plot Provide 100 unlimited 10 x player level Completely Unlocked Provide Plant Primitive Resources such as wheat/tomato


Barns provide 1 bottle of milk every x duration. Crafting more barns allows for more resource gathering. Each upgrade provides a larger milk production.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Cow Barn Provide 450 2 300 x player level initially unlocked but upgrades researched provide primitive resource milk


One of the initial starting structures, the hospital is responsible for providing blood. The player can run a "blood raid" every x duration for a randomly generated chance of filling the blood inventory. Upgrades raise the number of based guaranteed blood to be added. Players can not build/purchase multiple hospitals.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Medical Center Provide N/A 2 1500 x upgrade level initially unlocked but upgrades researched provide blood

Flour Facility

Structure that takes 5 stacks of wheat to produce 1 flour crafted every x duration. Building more flour facilities allows for more crafting resources.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Windmill Refine 500 3 325 x player level collection of 10 stacks of wheat refine primitive resource wheat into crafted resource flour

Cheese Facility

Structure that takes 1 bottle of milk to produce 1 cheese crafted every x duration. Building more cheese facilities allows for more crafting resources.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Coagulation Plant Refine 500 3 325 x player level collection of 5 milk bottles refine primitive resource milk in to crafted resource cheese

Research Facility

Special unique structure that can only research new upgrades or resources over a duration. Will take a one time purchase for each deployed "research project".

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Center of Science Town Improvement 1000 0 N/A Fufilling at least 10 orders improve Unlockable Content

Storage Facility

Special structure that can be built to improve inventory size. There is a max limit of 5 built storage facilities allowed. Each upgrade increases the initial upgrade value of 10 by another 10.

Name in Game Type of Structure Initial Cost Number of Upgrades Cost Per Upgrade Unlockable Through Used to Crafting Duration
Storage Center Town Improvement 1000 unlimited 1000 x upgrade level Completely Unlocked add more inventory space N/A


Pizza Orders

Customers/Tourists will confront the player with orders. Many of the orders are wacky and potentially resource heavy. Each fufilled order has valuable rewards such as unlocks, experience, money, or special events.