
Certificate Sender helps you to extract student information from excel file then change the Student Name in the Certificate template by your student's name finally send those certificate for your all students in the excel file .

Primary LanguagePython


Certificate Sender helps you to extract student information from excel file then change the Student Name in the Certificate template by your student's name finally send those certificate for your all students in the excel file via python .

مهمة هذا البرنامج هي الحصول على بيانات الطلاب بملف إكسل ثم تعديل قالب جاهز للشهادات لكل طالب وإرسال الشهادة إلى إيميل كل طالب باستخدام بايثون _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Note :
*some word and xsls files have been adedd for trying *
before you gonna run the program you have to :
1- make sure to replace the ourtemplate.xlsx e-mails
2- in the send_certificate function that you replace the e-mail py your persnol email and your personal password
3- maybe it required your permission to send the email via gmail so check your security permission in your gmail account

thank you!

I'll be glad hearing your thoughts on this !
e-mail: x-coder01@protonmail.com
twiiter : @missx_7