Steps to integrate a bootstrap theme into ember in the context of sb-admin-2

  1. ember new bootstrap-example --yarn
  2. ember install ember-cli-sass (I then removed app.css)
  3. ember install ember-bootstrap
  • its worth noting that this step added @import "ember-bootstrap/bootstrap"; automatically to my app.scss file.
  1. copied the whole scss dir containing all scss files from the theme into vendor/sb-admin-2/scss

  2. Cleaned up the imports inside the main sb-admin-2.scss since it contained references to its own path to bootstrap.scss

  3. added this scss dir to my ember-cli-build.js sassOptions includePaths array:

    sassOptions: {
      includePaths: [
  4. Copy and pasted their login markup (inside of the body) into my some route template (in my case the application.hbs template b/c this isn't a real project).

    • I needed to then add a class to the body so I did this:
