
Another Django CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Getting Started With Docker


We use Docker and Docker Compose.

Build Image

$ docker-compose build

Mount Image

$ docker-compose up

Then you can access to this application with : http://localhost

You can change port and host, by changing Nginx Configuration (config/nginx/djio.conf)

Getting Started Without Docker

To get up and running, simply do the following:

$ git clone https://github.com/misteio/djio.git
$ cd website

# Install the requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Perform database migrations
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

# Collect static files
$ python manage.py collectstatic --noinput

# Create User Admin for BackOffice
$ python manage.py createadmin

# Launch app
$ python manage.py runserver

Then you can access to this application with : http://localhost:8000

NOTE: We highly recommend creating a Virtual Environment. Python Virtual Environments allow developers to work in isolated sandboxes and to create separation between python packages installed via pip.

Package configuration and what you should know

Javascript Reverse URL

We use https://github.com/ierror/django-js-reverse.

For generate all your javascript URL for use it in another js file you have to:

$ ./manage.py collectstatic_js_reverse

So you can use URL from Django like this :

Urls['namespace:betterliving-get-house']('house', 12)