
🐍 A backup of my i3 config

Primary LanguageShell


A backup of my i3wm config.

All these files should be placed in ~/.config/i3

System Files Tiles


Quick install

# Install everything on a fresh Ubuntu setup
curl -fsSL https://git.io/i3-config | bash

The command above will:

  • Install i3-gaps dependencies and build i3-gaps from source
  • Build i3blocks from source
  • Install Rofi, Compton, Dunst and Nitrogen
  • Install Regolith, which includes i3-gaps, i3blocks, Rofi and Compton
  • Download and install Font Awesome fonts
  • Override i3 config with this repository
  • Download and set the wallpaper
  • Install Starship
  • Install Snazzy color scheme for gnome-terminal
  • Install Dracula theme for GTK
  • Install Flameshot, Google Chrome, Sublime Text, and Node.js

The script should work on a fresh Ubuntu setup. For any other distro, I'm almost sure it won't work.

Using on a HiDPI display

You can set scale and DPI value like this:

# i3
echo "Xft.dpi: 125" >> ~/.Xresources

# Other apps (Chrome, Nautilus, Terminal...)
echo "export GDK_DPI_SCALE=1.25" >> ~/.profile

Or just use the dpi.sh script from this repo:

~/.config/i3/dpi.sh high # On HiDpi display

~/.config/i3/dpi.sh low # On regular display

sudo reboot