MiSTercade V2 Freeplay Mapping Updater

This database can be integrated in MiSTer FPGA by editing the downloader.ini file at the root of the SD.

How to Integrate the Mappings into MiSTer Downloader

To integrate it in a MiSTer device, add the following section to the end of to the file downloader.ini that should be placed at the root of the SD (if it doesn't exist, you may create it for this purpose):

db_url = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/misteraddons/mistercade_v2_freeplay_mappings/db/db.json.zip
allow_delete = 0
verbose = true

After that, run downloader or update_all as usual. It will try to fetch the files from your newly created database.

To Do

Handle twin stick mappings (not currently available on V2)

Non-free-play Mapping Repository

If you want to try the normal mapping repository (no freeplay), go here: https://github.com/misteraddons/mistercade_v2_mappings