
A new (unstable) version of the code to simulate the oxDNA/oxRNA models, now equipped with rudimentary Python bindings

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repository contains a new version of oxDNA. If you are not a developer or a tester we advise you to use the sourceforge repo.

oxDNA is a simulation code that was initially conceived as an implementation of the coarse-grained DNA model introduced by T. E. Ouldridge, J. P. K. Doye and A. A. Louis. It has been since reworked and it is now an extensible simulation+analysis framework. It natively supports DNA, RNA, Lennard-Jones and patchy particle simulations of different kinds on both CPU and NVIDIA GPUs.

The development of this software has been partially supported by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska−Curie Fellowship No. 702298-DELTAS.


The code requires cmake and a c++-14-compliant g++ (any version >= 4.9 should work). The code should be also compilable with the Intel compiler (with the -DIntel=ON cmake flag, see below), although this has not been tested with newer oxDNA versions.


Compiling with CUDA support requires cmake >= 3.5 and a CUDA toolkit >= 9.0. If your current setup cannot meet these requirements we advise you to use older versions of oxDNA.

Python bindings

The Python bindings are contained in the oxpy package, which can be installed either manually after compilation (see Compiling oxDNA) or directly with

git clone https://github.com/lorenzo-rovigatti/oxDNA.git
cd oxDNA
git checkout oxpy --
pip install . # you may need to use pip3, depending on your OS, and the --user option to install in the current user's home directory

The GPU-enabled version can be installed by uncommenting the #cuda = True line in the setup.cfg file before calling pip or by appending --global-option=build_ext --global-option='--cuda' to the pip install command.

Python bindings require the setuptools and setuptools-scm packages, as well as Python 3's binaries, libraries and include files. On Debian-derived distros the latter can be installed by installing the libpython3-dev package.

Sphinx, sphinx_rtd_theme and recommonmark are required to generate the Python bindings' documentation. Those can all be installed by using pip (for instance with the command pip3 install --user sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme recommonmark).


Generating the documentation of the C++ code (with make docs, see below) requires doxygen.

The documentation for the Python bindings can be browsed here.

Compiling oxDNA

Clone the repo or extract the oxDNA archive and then:

cd oxDNA         # enter the oxDNA folder
mkdir build      # create a new build folder. It is good practice to compile out-of-source
cd build
cmake ..         # here you can specify additional options, see next section
make -j4         # compile oxDNA. The -jX make option makes it compile the code in parallel by using X threads.

At the end of the compilation three executables (oxDNA, DNAnalysis and confGenerator) will be placed in the build/bin directory.

Compiling with Python bindings will also generate an oxpy package in the build/oxpy directory that can be imported in Python. Running make install will attempt to copy the package to the pip's module directory. The specific location will depend on your system's settings. We advise you to use virtual environments (see e.g. pipenv) to avoid conflicts with other packages and/or dependency and permission issues.

cmake options

  • -DCUDA=ON Enables CUDA support
  • -DCUDA_COMMON_ARCH=ON Choose the target CUDA compute architecture based on the nvcc version. Set it to off to autodetect the CUDA compute arch GPU installed.
  • -DDebug=ON Compiles with debug symbols and without optimisation flags
  • -DG=ON Compiles with debug symbols + optimisation flags
  • -DINTEL=ON Uses INTEL's compiler suite
  • -DMPI=ON Compiles oxDNA with MPI support
  • -DSIGNAL=OFF Handling system signals is not always supported. Set this flag to OFF to remove this feature
  • -DMOSIX=ON Makes oxDNA compatible with MOSIX
  • -DDOUBLE=OFF Set the numerical precision of the CPU backends to float
  • -DCUDA_DOUBLE=ON Set the numerical precision of the CUDA backends to double, which is not compatible with the mixed precision.
  • -DNATIVE_COMPILATION=ON Set to OFF to compile without the -march=native flag. This may be required when compiling binaries to be used elsewhere

The following options pertain to oxpy:

  • -DPython=ON Enables Python bindings
  • -DOxpySystemInstall=On By default oxpy is installed in the current user's home directory. By enabling this option oxpy will be installed as a system-wide package. It may require superuser privileges.

make targets

  • make compiles oxDNA
  • make docs Produces html doxygen documentation for oxDNA (DOCS/html_oxDNA/index.html) and for the UTILS folder (DOCS/html_UTILS/index.html)
  • make rovigatti Compiles the observables and interactions in contrib/rovigatti
  • make romano Compiles the observables and interactions in contrib/romano
  • make install Copies the oxpy package to the Python's package folder


  • make test_run runs quick tests to check whether oxDNA has been correctly compiled or not.
  • make test_quick runs longer tests to check that oxDNA works (not fully implemented yet, but the main features are supported).
  • make test runs both sets of tests above.



  • oxDNA input_file
  • confGenerator input_file [box_size|density] the second argument will be interpreted as a number density (number of particles divided by volume) if it is less than 2.0
  • DNAnalysis input_file

Most of the options that can be specified in the input file can be found in the input_options.md file.

Python Bindings

The API are still unstable, and only few features are exposed through this interface. A basic documentation can be accessed by browsing online here or docs/oxpy/html/index.html in the source tree.

The following snippet shows a very simple example:

import numpy as np
import oxpy

with oxpy.Context():
    # init the manager with the given input file
    manager = oxpy.OxpyManager("input")

    # run 1k steps
    # change the temperature

    # run 10k steps more

    # do some computation with the current configuration
    particles = manager.config_info().particles()
    # compute the average position of the particles' backbones
    avg_pos = np.average(list(map(lambda p: p.backbone_site(), particles)), axis=0)
    print("Average final position:", avg_pos)
    # and the interaction energy between the first two particles
    print("Interaction energy between particle 0 and particle 1:", manager.config_info().interaction.pair_interaction(particles[0], particles[1]))

If you want, you can initialise the input file yourself and change some of the options before initialising the manager:

	my_input = oxpy.InputFile()
	my_input["backend"] = "CUDA"
	my_input["steps"] = "1e9"
	manager = oxpy.OxpyManager(my_input)

Finally, you can also generate a default input file and then update or add custom options before initialising the manager:

	my_input = oxpy.utils.generate_default_input()
	my_input["steps"] = "1e9"
	my_input["log_file"] = "log.dat" 
	manager = oxpy.OxpyManager(my_input)

Output files

The energy.dat (default name, can be changed in the configuration file) has this layout for MD: time potential_energy kinetic_energy total_energy

The energy.dat (default name, can be changed in the configuration file) has this layout for MC: time potential_energy hydrogen_bonding_energy acc_trasl acc_rot [acc_volume]

Mind that potential, kinetic and total energies are divided by the number of particles.

Configurations are saved in the trajectory file (appended one after the other).


The observable infrastructure was devised to help building customized output from oxDNA (and DNAnalysis) without having to dive in the simulation code itself.

The relevant keys in the input file are analysis_data_output_* and data_output_* (see below). These take as an argument, between curly brackets, a series of lines that is interpreted as an input file. An example is:

data_output_1 = {
name = caca.dat
print_every = 100
col_1 = {
type = potential_energy
col_2 = {
type = step
units = MD

this will print in caca.dat two colums, the first with the potential energy and the second with the steps in MD units (dt-aware).

The lines in between curly brackets are interpreted as input files by the single observables.

See also the doxygen documentation for Observables/ObservableOutput.h

oxDNA provides a plugin infrastructure to manage additional Observables. See the doxygen documentation for PluginManagement/PluginManager.h

Citing oxDNA

Please cite these publications for any work that uses the oxDNA simulation package:

  • for the code:
    • P. Šulc et al., J. Chem. Phys. 137, 135101 (2012)
    • L. Rovigatti et al., J. Comput. Chem. 36, 1 (2015)
  • for the oxDNA model:
    • T. E. Ouldridge et al., J. Chem. Phys, 134, 085101 (2011)
  • for the oxDNA2 model:
    • B. E. K. Snodin et al., J. Chem. Phys. 142, 234901 (2015)
  • for the oxRNA model:
    • P. Šulc et al., J. Chem. Phys. 140, 235102 (2014)


oxDNA depends on a minimum number of external libraries (a c++-14-compliant standard library and Nvidia's CUDA if the user wishes to enable it).

Internally, oxDNA uses the following libraries, which are included in the source tree:

As far as I know, this is compatible with their licenses. If you are a developer or a mantainer of one of these projects and you think that oxDNA does not comply with your license, please contact us.